Since we entered the academic research industry in 2005, the market for custom-written papers and dissertations has grown enormously. Sadly, it has become overcrowded with foreign-based companies that deliver poor quality work. As these companies are not registered in the UK, you are not protected by UK consumer law when you use their services. Should something go wrong you may find that you will be ignored; unable to get your work rewritten and with no way of reclaiming your money for the poor service given to you. When looking for an essay writing service it is therefore critical that you select the right company. Ivory Research offers outstanding customer service and delivers only top quality guaranteed work. Most importantly, we are easily contactable seven days a week to answer any questions you may have about your order. If something is wrong, you can be confident we’ll put it right – fast
Since 2005, we have built an excellent reputation in the academic research industry by delivering a genuine high quality custom-written essay, assignment, and dissertation service to clients who trust us. In an attempt to take advantage of this success, a number of online copycat companies have recently appropriated our registered company name and begun trading as ‘Ivory Research’. Beware of imitations trading under similar domain extensions such as, .org,, etc. They are completely unrelated to our company and we cannot vouch for their credibility. There is only one, so be certain when searching for us online that you see the .com domain extension. You deserve the best so why settle for anything less?