9 Reasons You Need Proofreading and Editing Services from Ivory Research

As you probably know, it’s common for PhD students to get their thesis checked by a proofreader. But did you know that proofreading can enhance all types of academic assignments? In fact, proofreading can benefit students at all stages of their academic careers.
So, what are the benefits of academic proofreading? Well, aside from boosting your grade, proofreading can dramatically enhance your skillset. If you invest in a proofreader, your English language skills will start to improve. Then, your academic writing skills will begin to flourish. Not to mention, you’ll learn how to collaborate with others and take feedback graciously – both important skills for career success!
Proofreading and editing are bespoke services, so they benefit students in different ways. That said, here are 9 unique ways that proofreading can enhance your studies…
1. Improve your Academic English
As you probably know, proofreaders check spelling, grammar, and presentation. But did you know that academic proofreaders will also check your Academic English? More specifically, an academic proofreader will smarten up informal language, enhance your vocabulary, and adopt an academic tone throughout.
So, whilst any professional proofreader can check your work for errors, an academic proofreader will ensure your essay complies with Academic English standards. And this extra step is what makes all the difference! At Ivory Research, all of our proofreaders hold master’s degrees or PhDs from leading UK universities, so they’re fluent in Academic English. This means they can transform your writing into readable academic prose.
In our experience, international students tend to benefit immensely from this service. Though, in truth, academic proofreading can be valuable for all students. Indeed, many British students use proofreading services as a tool to improve their Academic English.
2. Gain a Sense of Focus
A well-structured essay should read like a blossoming flower. The introduction should plant a seed in the reader’s mind. Then, as each paragraph is added, the plant should ‘grow’ a little taller. Finally, as the conclusion approaches, the flower should come into full bloom. In fact, if your essay is really good, the blossoming of the flower will remain in the reader’s mind long after they’ve finished reading it.
This is the ideal structure of an essay, but it can be very hard to achieve. Often, students have plenty of exciting ideas, but their essays lack a clear sense of focus and direction. Thankfully, to remedy this, an academic editor can:
- Change the length or position of your paragraphs
- Add ‘signposting’ to guide readers through your essay seamlessly
- Remove repetition
- Highlight inconsistencies
- Synthesise your writing and reduce the word count where necessary
Once your essay has a clearer focus, it will be easier for your professor to understand your arguments, and this will no doubt result in better grades. As Ralph Waldo Emerson says,
“Let the reader find that he cannot afford to omit any line of your writing because you have omitted every word that he can spare.”
3. Perfect your Referencing
The dullest part about writing essays has got to be the references! Having said that, getting your references right is a great way of earning easy marks. So, don’t overlook the importance of good referencing. Our proofreaders and editors are conversant in all styles of referencing, from Harvard to Oxford footnotes – and everything in-between. We can even spot the difference between APA edition 5 and APA edition 6! So, rest assured, your references will be edited to perfection.
4. Decode your Tutor’s Feedback
It’s great when professors give feedback on essay drafts, but sometimes this feedback can leave you feeling more confused than when you started. This is where an academic editor can help! An academic editor will thoroughly read through your tutor’s comments and address these in the revision of your essay.
At Ivory Research, many of our proofreaders have worked in a marking capacity, so they’re well-positioned to decode feedback from tutors. What’s more, all our writers are subject-specialists, so they’ll understand exactly what your tutor is looking for.
5. Get your Arguments Scrutinised by a Professional
When you’re tasked with writing an essay, you’ll be expected to research and discuss theories which weren’t covered in your lectures. It’s important to do this because it’ll show that you’ve done wider reading. Having said that, it can be difficult to write about theories that you’ve learned independently. This is where an academic proofreader can help! Your proofreader can appraise your arguments to ensure that you’ve understood everything correctly. They can also highlight any bias in your arguments, and offer recommendations for improvement.
What’s more, all our orders come with a free 10-day amendments period. So, if you need to clarify anything with your editor, they’ll be available to assist.
6. Add More Chapters to your Dissertation
Whether your studying at undergraduate or masters level, we know that writing your dissertation can be really tough. So, as part of our bespoke Editing Service, you can request your writer to add chapters to your dissertation. For example, why not request one of our PhD holders to carry out a comprehensive and original literature review for your dissertation? After all, it would be hard to beat their level of expertise and insight.
7. Resubmit Failed Work with Peace of Mind
Failing an essay at university can be an incredibly stressful experience. Thankfully, most universities will give you a chance to resubmit the essay. However, if you failed the essay the first time around, you might be feeling really anxious about the prospect of resubmitting it, and perhaps failing again.
Our specialist proofreaders and editors are available at short notice to transform the quality of your work.
Remember, when you get your work proofread by one of our academics, you’ll receive a line-by-line edit of your work. This is something professors rarely have the time to do! This comprehensive edit will provide you with the confidence you need to resubmit your work.
8. Publish your Work
Here at Ivory Research, we’ve helped graduates get their work published in peer-reviewed journals. Many of our writers are PhD holders so they have experience of publishing their work. For example, our writers can address feedback given by Journal editors to ensure that your paper is polished, credible and ready for submission.
9. Enhance your Future Career!
According to BBC Education an increasing number of UK students are achieving first-class degrees. So, if you want to stand out in the crowded labour market, you’ll need to graduate with respectable grades. Getting a professional to proofread your work will certainly help to boost your grades and therefore your future employability!
However, it’s not only your grades that will receive a boost. A good proofreader will also enhance your language skills, build your knowledge, and inspire you to think reflexively.
After all, as Kelley Harrell says,
“A good editor doesn’t just rewrite words, she rewires synapses.”
So, collaborating with an academic editor is one of the best investments you can make for your future.
Should I Order Proofreading or Editing?
‘Proofreading’ and ‘editing’ are often talked about interchangeably, but they are slightly different things. Editing, for example, tends to be a lot more comprehensive than proofreading. Having said that, there is some crossover between the two.
Here at Ivory Research, we offer a bespoke service to students, so we prefer to provide an individual quote based on the proofreading and/or editing services that you need. To get started, you can simply visit our order form, select ‘Editing/Proofreading’; let us know your requirements, and provide a copy of the assignment that needs to be edited.
The best-qualified academic will then provide a personalised quote based on the services you require.