From Summer to Study – How to Refocus After the Holidays

Summer is over, it’s sad but true. Now you have to go back to University and get your brain off the beach and back into the library. This might sound easy enough but after a long summer it often takes a bit of time to get into the university rhythm again. We’ve put together a list of ways which might help you to reduce the time it takes to get your head back in the game.
1. Audiobooks
Sometimes listening to people talk about your area of study is an easier way of slipping back into the right mind set. Find yourself a relevant lecture on YouTube or an audiobook and listen to it while you do other things, certain words will jog your memory and it will start to come flooding back.
2. Revisit old notes
Looking over work you have done previously is a really good way of helping to pull yourself back into university life. It will remind you of the mind-set you had when you were taking the notes and will help to bridge the gap created over the summer break. If your old notes don’t seem to be the best then talk to your mates and ask them if you can borrow theirs, you might learn some new things from their notes too!
3. Study your module guide
Your module guide should always be the first port of call. Your lecturer does not put the guides together for no reason. They are an essential aid to understanding exactly what you are going to do and what is expected of you. We find that once you understand what is expected of you it makes you focus a whole lot faster.
4. Make the right choices
If you’re worried about refocusing then you might need to make a few simple but tough decisions. Don’t hit freshers’ as hard as you did when you were a fresher. This doesn’t mean don’t enjoy yourself, but it means take it a bit easier!
5. Talk to your course mates
Talking to your course mates might help settle your nerves. Everyone feels better about a tricky situation if they know that others are in a same boat. Your course mates might also have some tips about how to settle back into the work psyche quickly. Hopefully once your apprehension has died down a little bit you will be in a better place mentally to begin to tackle the challenges that the new semester poses.
Refocusing is bound to take time, that isn’t always a bad thing either; it just shows that you haven’t spent your whole summer worrying about the next year of your studies. Hopefully at least one of the points on the list will suit your style and will help you to get back to the proverbial university grindstone. Get your head down, work hard and get those grades. Good luck for next semester!