Snapchat Dissertation Topics

A good dissertation topic has three main characteristics:

  • It has academic as well as practical relevance to the studied degree
  • It is manageable and researchable
  • It examines a contemporary and interesting topic

It is crucial to select a good dissertation topic that you are interested in, because it represents a time-consuming process, which involves idea generation, review of the literature, choosing appropriate methodology, data collection and analysis, discussion of the findings and concluding remarks. More importantly, completing a good dissertation enables you to demonstrate your transferrable skills to a prospective employer or it may lead to further education.

Snapchat is an online communication platform which lets you easily talk with friends, view Live Stories from around the world, and explore news. As any other social media channel, it diminishes geographic barriers and stimulates information sharing through short interactive videos, which represent the application’s point of differentiation.

The benefits of selecting a Snapchat dissertation topic are: new knowledge of a different and under-researched social media platform, new insights into customer behaviour and original theoretical and managerial contribution. Moreover, researching a contemporary topic is always interesting for the readers and if conducted in a meticulous manner, it will likely result in a high grade.

Snapchat Dissertation Topics

The benefits people receive from sharing information on Snapchat.

The aim is to explore the social and functional aspects of sharing information on Snapchat through qualitative observations followed by quantitative surveys with Snapchat users. The findings will contribute to the consumer research literature through providing insights about how people perceive social and functional benefits of information sharing on Snapchat.

Is there a negative side to information-sharing on Snapchat?

The aim of this Snapchat dissertation topic is to explore if there is a negative side e.g. security issues to sharing information on Snapchat through interviews with Snapchat users and the consequences of these negative aspects. The findings will enable marketing managers to devise stricter policies on information sharing and troubleshoot previously unidentified issues with Snapchat. This would make a great Snapchat dissertation topic!

Ethics, privacy concerns and cyber-bullying on Snapchat.

The aim of this research will be to understand whether and how Snapchat increases the occurrences of cyber-bullying, cyber-stalkers and what the company does to minimise these. An area of interest is the company’s privacy and usage policy.

Stakeholder theory and its implications for Snapchat?

The aim of this Snapchat dissertation topic is to explore how stakeholder theory and its basic assumptions and characteristics fit in the context of Snapchat. Hence, how does image and video sharing affect major stakeholders and who are these major stakeholders?

An evaluation of the best ethics theory fit in the case of Snapchat.

The aim is to evaluate a range of ethics theories and choose the most appropriate one to solve potential privacy and ethical issues related to downloading images and videos. Some of these theories are utilitarianism, duty ethics, and virtue ethics.

Does Snapchat demonstrate good corporate social responsibility by allowing people to save private images and videos to their phones?

The aim of this Snapchat dissertation topic is to explore the building pillars of CSR and how these relate to Snapchat’s demonstration of corporate citizenship. Management implications will be the most important outcome of the research.

Snapchat usage motivations of young adults aged 16-24.

Interviews based on the Social Norm Theory will be applied as a research method with the aim to understand Snapchat usage motivations. The theory examines changes in behaviour through environmental and interpersonal interactions. Therefore, an objective of this Snapchat dissertation topic will be to understand and compare the differences between perceived and actual norms.

An investigation into the relationship between Snapchat usage and users’ trust.

The aim is to understand whether the levels of trust Snapchat users display have an impact on their usage of the application. The findings will inform relationship marketing managers with the help of the Commitment-Trust Theory.

Exploring people’s engagement motives on Snapchat.

The objective of this Snapchat dissertation topic is to understand which factors encourage people to use Snapchat and share personal images and videos. A quantitative survey can be implemented for this purpose with the aid of Engagement theory.

The art of self-promotion: Celebrities on Snapchat.

The primary aim is to understand how different celebrities use Snapchat to promote self-related content. A secondary objective will be to evaluate the effectiveness of self-promotion on Snapchat. This is a great Snapchat dissertation topic if you follow celebrity culture!

Temporary social media: Snapchat and the growing culture of instant gratification

The aim of this dissertation topic is to explore the growing culture of impatience in today’s society in relation to social media giant Snapchat. It will evaluate whether this culture has been influenced by the growing popularity of social media platforms or whether Snapchat is benefiting from an already impatient society. A secondary objective will be to explore the connotations of this culture and the impact it is having on young adults.

Does Snapchat really provide users with the anonymity that they desire?

This dissertation topic will primarily explore the growing desire to leave less digital tracks as anonymous applications such as Snapchat increase in popularity. Snapchat has always identified itself as anonymous, but is this really the case? This essay aims to explore the growth of Snapchat since its creation and the various privacy and security concerns that accompany this type of application.

Has Snapchat altered the way that we communicate?

The main aim of this dissertation is to look at the role of communication in today’s society and whether this has been influenced by Snapchat. The essay will explore whether Snapchat has helped or hindered social interaction and decide whether society have been influenced to focus on the quantity of communication rather than quality

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