Communication Case Study

Published: 2021/11/08
Number of words: 578

Communication plays a fundamental role in our daily life, from a simple home setting to a vast organizational setting. Communication helps firms when planning hence implementing the planned strategies. For communication to help an organization, it needs to be impactful so that the passed across information should impact the recipient. For this to be possible, the communication link should be established to enable the spreading of information as intended (Haroon & Malik 2018). This brings meetings as one of the ways organizations can use to brainstorm and pass information across the administrative staff. This is the same case that happens in an organization that Richard Hilton department acts as the head of the department. As he reports in the case study, the members and organization have a major problem with meetings. As Richard states, the members do not take meetings seriously; thus, meetings are ineffective communication.

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Organizational communication is a culture that is created from the simple ways the staff members behave. As culture is defined as people’s way of life, this means that the simple things people do repeatedly transform to become their culture—members of Mr Hilton department have disregarded the policies that govern successful meetings. The rules include showing for the meeting on time, having a plan, having penalty like rules that inflict fear to members to keep time. The culture of this group, as Hilton states, have jeopardized their communication channel while in the meeting, hindering the effectiveness of communication.

The problem in the department

The department is likely to suffer from commu7nication. This is because having established meetings as their form of communication does not maximize the time scheduled for the meeting to better communication, thus planning effectively for the form (Erlangga, & Sos 2020). As Richard states, the members often come late for the meeting. Lateness by the staff brings about a barrier of physical. A physical barrier in communication arises when members come late for meetings hence miss out on the most important discussion held in the meeting. The barrier is referred to us as physical because it constrains the staff member from attending the meeting physically. As much as the members behave like this because they know they have exemplary results in fieldwork, such culture may be a barrier to the organization’s development.

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Another barrier that this culture can bring is an emotional one. An emotional barrier results when one member develops a fear of communication due to criticism or fear that their issue will not be handled. In this case study organizational culture, the members create a meeting in an impromptu manner. Some people are not given attention because of too much arguing that wastes time (Albahri et al., 2018). Barriers to effective communication. As reported by Hilton, this culture can make other members have fear raising their point because they will not be taken seriously. This issue affects this firm’s communication, and from communication, firms plan and work towards their achievable goals.


Albahri, A. H., Abushibs, A. S., & Abushibs, N. S. (2018). Barriers to effective communication between family physicians and patients in walk-in centre setting in Dubai: a cross-sectional survey. BMC health services research18(1), 1-13.

Erlangga, H., & Sos, S. (2020). The Challenges of Organizational Communication in the Digital Era.

Haroon, H., & Malik, H. D. (2018). The impact of organizational communication on organizational performance. Journal of Research in Social Sciences6(2), 140-151.

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