Course Strategy Plan Paper

Published: 2021/12/16
Number of words: 3302


There are various strategies towards accomplishing of one’s education. An individual can undertake one strategy or make a choice from available strategies in the market. One of the methods of learning is practicing of critical thinking. Critical thinking is an important aspect in the development of decisions. Critical thinking is important since it allows individuals to critique their strategies ideas and other variables. Goal setting is another important aspect that might provide formidable returns if utilized in learning programs. Setting of goals provides individuals with a benchmark for making decisions and in analyzing outcomes of actions.

The next strategy to apply is the setting of personal strategies towards attainment of success. Individuals might utilize various methods in coping with stress and other factors that affect personal performance towards goals. Time management is an important aspect if individuals wish to at their highest levels in education (Brandi & Iannone, 2016). Time management assists in the scheduling of activities. Priority needs to be given to various tasks while neglecting unproductive tasks. Test taking is another important aspect to consider while learning.

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Test taking provide learners with a clear understanding of their knowledge areas. Test taking has been utilized in many fields to provide learners with benchmarks for making changes. Processing information from lectures has been one of the most common methods of learning for majority of students on the globe (Hopper, 2016). Processing information from lectures provide learners with information relating to previous experiences of researchers. Through procession of lecture information individuals are able to analyze various perspective and provide their own understanding to topics.

Strategies to the Plan

The strategies to the plan concentrate on two variables. One of these variables relates to strategies that are easy to implement according to the plan other part of the strategies relates to those strategies that may be implemented but are difficult to implement.

Plans Easy to implement

The courses of action that are easy to implement are time management, processing information from lectures and critical thinking.

Plans with difficulty in Implementation

The plans that are difficult to implement in relation to personal development in relation to education are personal strategies, test taking and goal setting (Hopper, 2016). Personal strategies such as handling of stress have various variables. Within a population there are various stress handling measures. However stressors continue to increase and take different shapes with time. Test taking may have a selective learning outcome. Individuals may be inclined on concentrating on particular variables. Goal setting is difficult since individuals shift their goals with progression of time (Brandi & Iannone, 2016).

1.0 Processing Information from Lectures

The idea of learning relates to the prospects of memory and learning. While learning from an article it is essential to develop memory of the material. Processing of information through lectures provides the basis for the development of memory. When individual come into contact with learning materials they are able to initiate learning by creating their own meaningful ideas on the subject. By creating their personal ideas individuals are able to memorize what they have learnt. In processing of information from lectures, learners have other benefits. This method of learning provide basis for answering questions relating to the essential of learning process (Hopper, 2016). This method of learning allows for individuals to gather data. Through utilization n of this method of learning, individuals are able to build concept through analyzing old and new information.

Analyzing of information is another important aspect of learning through processing of lectures. This process of learning provides individuals with the ability of learning through use of reflection. Individuals are able to utilize their own experiences in making informed judgment on specific subjects. Analyzing also assists in the development of alternative to a problem. Learning through the use of lectures provides for creation of new ideas (Hopper, 2016). The process of learning in this extent allows individuals to own their ideas. This assists them in creation of new ideas and ways of solving problems. Learning through the process of utilizing lectures provides learners with basis of acting. Through learning individuals are able to write, formulate concepts or act in a certain way.

  • Principles of Time Management

Time is probably one of the most important assets in the universe. There is never enough time available to accomplish tasks. Therefore time management in a learning program becomes an important tool to effective learning. Time management plans relates to strategies used in controlling and in the utilization of time. However through daily operations, individuals waste time. It is therefore important for individuals to develop various strategies in maximizing time available at their disposal. To solve this problem, time management may be made easy through the development of schedules. Time management assists in avoidance of procrastination (Brandi & Iannone, 2016).

It also allows people to stay on top of things. It allows individuals to work with efficiency. Scheduling allows for individuals to balance between school life and other activities. Students are able to allocate particular periods of their time to specific activities. Scheduling allows for saving of time. Through utilizing of efficient scheduling procedures individuals are able to save on time. This allows for the utilization of time in an effective manner.

  • Practicing Critical Thinking

Practicing critical thinking is an important strategy towards learning. Critical thinking relates to processing of information. As a student one may want to process what they have read the process of interpreting the information need to be seamless and follow certain procedure. It is easier to implement a critical thinking activity since it depends on individuals experience and methods of solving problems. Critical thinking is important in assisting individuals in finding answers. This process of thinking provides students with diverse methods of solving problems. It is an easier method of implementation since it is a process that develops overtime. This skill is important to both students as well as employees.

2.0 Personal strategies: Stress Management

Managing of stress is a critical aspect for individuals. Every individual needs to have specific methods of coping with stress. The first course of action in handling of stress is the identification of stressors. Stressors may be psychological, physical as well as social. Recognizing the stressors is the first approach towards controlling stress (Hopper, 2016). The signs of stress may either be mental, behavioral or physical. Critical thinking would be an important aspect in the analyzing of stress. This analysis will show where there is need to minimize stressing aspects.

2.1 Goal Setting Strategy

In the setting of goals the first aspect to consider is the locus of control. Identification of the locus of control provides for a position for initiating of improvement. Setting of goals is important since it provides future plans. Setting of goals assists in the accomplishment of tasks. This might mean that individuals might have to complete one set of goals before moving to the next. Goals might take short or long periods. In implementing goals there is a need to set SMART goals (Brandi & Iannone, 2016). This means that goals should be specific, realistic measurable and timely.

2.2 Test Taking Strategy

Test taking is another strategy that is important in learning. But a closer look at test taking one can state that majority of students do not enjoy taking tests. There are various strategies towards answering of essay tests. In writing of essays students need to understand every single point before jotting answers. One needs to understand the topic of discussion. On the other hand, while answering questions students need to follow directions from their lecturer. It should also relate to the basis of the essay. The essay may relate to comparison of concepts, definitions or provision of contrast arguments (Hopper, 2016).


Time Management

Time management is an important aspect for all students. Management of time allows students to finish their tasks according to schedule. In the implementation of the aspect one might utilize a master plan in the accomplishment of the task. The master plan is as shown below;

During the preparation of the master plan various aspects were put into consideration. It lays emphasis on coursework, assignment schedules and other aspects. During scheduling, consideration was placed on the priority of the tasks. Tasks with high rate of importance were first to be done. On the other hand, the plan was difficult to create in relation to formulation of spare times. In order to attain maximum returns in using time, time logs are an important aspect. Time logs are important aspects since it reveals how one utilizes their time. Planning is another important aspect in the management of time. Planning is important in managing personal times as well as study times (Hopper, 2016). Prioritization of time spending is another important aspect in the plan. In these plan important aspects of the study comes into consideration. Consideration is made to important tasks but considerable amount of time is set aside to cater for daily activities.

Processing Information from Lectures

In the application of processing of information from lectures, the strategy involves the question in the margin system. However, the six steps worked adequately although there were challenges when it came to recording and reciting. Reciting required one to understand the notes properly before achieving the step and later reflecting the ideas. According to this strategy, a short except from the brain rule came into application. In this process a video was utilized. The video provides information on the twelve principles of surviving both at home and at school environments. In utilizing the video 6 basic steps came into consideration. The system needs one to utilize a pen and a notebook with huge ruled lines. It came as established by the system of the cornell. Note taking in the strategy came by the use of shorthand method. On the notebook details were provided of the student, date as well as page number of the document. The brain rules questions required a student to utilize critical thinking skills. The six steps while using the question in the margin system: the use of the six steps required a high level of concentration especially while taking notes (Hopper, 2016). Writing the main points in a few words as possible posed a challenge because, at some instant, almost every point seemed to be important so choosing major points was a great deal.


The challenges of the method relates to external distraction as well as internal distractions. Some of the external distraction includes physical noise that may come from crowds, use of gadgets or other machinery use. Internal distraction includes those aspects that affect individual’s brain utilization (Brandi & Iannone, 2016). Other forms of distraction relates to the level of concentration of observers. If the environment id too hot or cold; it may have an influence on the method. Hunger and sickness on the part of listeners may have an influence on the quality of the method.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is an important method of promotion of personal learning. Critical thinking implementation plan depends on various steps. In implementing the critical thinking method seven steps of decision is utilized. The method of decision making begins with the phase of determining the problem (Brandi & Iannone, 2016).

Determining the problem: 

The problem of the project is that some students come late to the morning class. This has had negative implications on those students who come to class early. This therefore means that students within the class have to be assessed according to the time of their arrival to a unit. The criteria of analyzing attendance are that missing class attendance by 90% leads to repercussions. A class register will record attendance and the 90% attendance rate is the mark of attendance but not the number of days individuals miss attendance.

Gathering of Information

In regard to the next step when students are late in attending lectures, there is distraction of the study pattern. This aspect if left unregulated may lead to other students missing class too. Therefore with this progress of missing attendance there is a need for one to discover the root causes for such behavior. There is the possibility of developing strategies to study the effects of lateness. One of the variables to consider is the distance of students’ household to the college.

In case students live far from college in the event they catch a bus there is a possibility of them arriving late to class in the morning. On the other hand there could be a possibility that students do not understand school regulations on attendance. The other aspect may be that students may only attend class in order to meet the 90% level according to regulations.

Determine options

Once there is a clear analysis of class attendance, there is need for the development of option in dealing with the problem. One of the possible option will be for teachers to reschedule their class program in order to cater for the needs of students living far. The other strategy will be for students to come to class early and wait for the class to begin while undertaking private studies. Students utilizing bus for transportation may use alternative means to come to school. The other alternative to the problem may include the development of a register which teacher carries while monitoring students’ attendance.

Weighing Options

Since there is the development of various options to the problem there is need of weighing evidence. The problem in consideration is lateness of students for morning class. Students will have to provide their reasons which will come under scrutiny considering school policies, procedures and other variables.

Choosing among Options

The next step to decision making approach is choosing the best option to the problem. The problem in consideration relates to students coming late for morning classes. Among the option that includes rescheduling of classes, management of the school will have to choose the best and realistic option to the problem. The best option among all available is selected which may lead to the appropriation of the best action plan.

Take Action

The next important step to decision making revolves around taking of action. Since the best option and the best strategy have been chosen implementation needs to take place. The school will need to have an effective action plan to promote attendance of class by students. The action plan may promote actions of teacher in ensuring that students mark registrars.

Reviewing of decisions and consequences

The next strategy relate to the reviewing of decisions taken by the schools. If the decision of the school is implementation of a policy relates to attendance, its consequences needs to be present.

Taking of Test Strategies

This strategy may have challenges in implementation on the first phase of the plan but its important. In the test taking strategies efforts is concentrated on the ability of the student to convey the first sentence of the question. The other criteria to the analysis are the provision of answer with a high degree of clarity. An opinion on taking test strategies reveals that such strategies need to prepare for well in advance.

Students need to avoid cramming on the subject matter. A clear understanding of the topic material is very important to the provision of correct answers to the problem. The use of multiple choice answer criteria is an important method in ensuring learning takes place. In preparation for the finals of the exams students need to have a clear understanding of the syllabus. While studying the course material students need to read the material extensively.

Setting Goals

In the process of setting goals, students need have defined timelines for implementing various goals. Such goals need to have a sequence in time of application. Implementation is done according to the level of priority and interest of the student.

Stress Management Strategies

Coping with stress relates with letting one’s mind free from corrupt thoughts and in a secure environment. One of the strategies that students may utilize to coping with stress is relaxing. In applying this method, an individual may chose a place where he or she can sit comfortable and relay their thoughts on positive matters (Hopper, 2016). Individuals need to avoid wearing tight clothes and concentrate on an appropriate sitting posture. Exercise is another important procedure for one trying to cope with stress. Proper exercise combined with breathing exercises are important elements in reducing stress among students. Students need to understand that stressful situation within the globe are unavoidable. On the other hand it is also imperative to take note that stressful situations are manageable.

Barriers to Implementation of learning plans

While implementing learning plans, there arise various barriers that may interfere with the outcomes of the plans. These barriers to implementation come in two categories. The motivating factors are either internal or external. One of the barriers to learning is uncertainty of the outcome of the program. In many personal learning programs, individuals may have uncertainty on the effectiveness of their plans. The other barrier to learning relates to difficulty in attaining goal.

Students might lack will power or certain factor which make it difficult for them to attain learning goals. Lack of control is another important aspect in learning. The lack of control may be a barrier to implementation of learning initiatives. Lack of support from other in an organization setting has an impact on learning programs. A great killer to many learning programs is the lack of support from people around you.

Overcoming the Barriers

Uncertainty on a learning program may be controlled by one comparing learning goals against the vision of an individual. Once you compare these two aspects as find out that the learning goals are not important; one may reconsider it. To overcome difficulty in attaining learning goals, individuals may cut the goal into smaller parts for easier analysis. With respect to stress in attaining learning goals, individuals need to identify the stressors. These stressors need to be distributed according to their characteristics (Hopper, 2016). Such distribution assists an individual in dealing with specific influences at appropriate periods. In relation to overcoming barriers relating to lack of control, Individuals need to develop specific plans that are attainable. Before launching a plan, one needs to have various action plans and strategies.

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There are various plans towards implementation of personal learning programs. Individual might utilize time management plans, critical thinking methods. The other methods to apply in learning include goal setting and test taking strategies. Goal setting strategies involves setting of personal learning goals. This goals need to be specific, attainable and also realistic. Test taking involves an undertaking of exams on particular aspects. This may include essays and other forms of testing.

Personal strategies towards learning may also be of assistance in learning. An example of this aspect is stress management. In principle individuals may utilize their stressful experiences in handling future incidences. Processing information from lectures is another important plan towards personal learning. Through this process individuals are able to learn from previous authors and develop their own understanding. This learning process assists in many life experiences since it allows for research analysis.


Hopper, C.H. (2016). Practicing college learning strategies (7th edition, CH 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 &10). Wadsworth Cengage Learning: Boston, MA.

Brandi, U., & Iannone, R. L. (2016). Learning Strategies in Enterprises: empirical findings, implications and perspectives for the immediate future. European Journal Of Education, 51(2), 227-243.

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