Essay on Confucius Teachings

Published: 2021/12/01
Number of words: 813


Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and politician who is highly regarded for his contribution to philosophy. His teachings emphasized on morality, social justice, the correctness of social relationships, kindness, and sincerity. Confucius was a believer in the power of studying and he encouraged his students to master books on past events. He believed there was a correlation between past events and issues affecting the society at the present. Confucius’s teachings are still influential especially in the east. In this essay, I will focus on how Confucius taught and passed on his message and some of his teachings on how we should relate with one another.

How Confucius taught

Confucius conducted his lesson orally. His students were mainly adults some of his age. He did not charge for his lessons but would accept payments or gifts from his learners. Confucius would never turn away anyone willing to learn because he appeared empty-handed. However, for one to remain his student, you had to demonstrate a willingness and effort to learn. He would create room for them to think for themselves after a lesson. Confucius was a strong believer in wisdom with action. What he taught had to be practiced and applied in real-life situations (Lai, 2018).

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One of the differences that can be noted in Analects and Symposium was that Confucius presented himself as a teacher but Socrates never claimed to be a teacher. Another difference between the two was that Confucius mainly taught by giving talks on various topics. On the other hand, Socrates taught by engaging in debates and dialogues where different opinions were given by those resent (2013).The two philosophers also shared similarities such as they both adapted their teachings to suit their audience abilities. They both encouraged their students to engage in friendly rivalry on various topics in order to teach values (Angle, 2013).

How should we relate to one another?

The concept of ren was one of those advocated for by Confucius. This concept is characterized by humaneness, goodness, and love. The concept requires people to aim to acquire behavior that helps in the flourishing of the community. Yi is the moral disposition to do what is good and just. Together with yen the two form the Confucian way of life. Confucius also believes rituals (li) played a key part in sustaining social order. When the three concepts are applied together, they ensure the development of a society where people are at peace with themselves and their neighbors which makes it easy for the state to govern ((Sarkissian, 2013).

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Throughout the Analects, Confucius emphasized on the benefits of honesty and integrity. One should honor their words and recognize their faults in order to become good students and effective leaders. One should not be afraid of admitting when they do not something. Confucius remarks that admitting when you know something and when you do not know something is an indicator of knowledge (Dan & Tyldesley, 2009.) The ideas of xiao are great however; I will modify them slightly to fit into modern times. In modern times, it is not practical to put the needs of parents and elders above everyone else. In modern times society has become more individualized and striking a balance between the needs of your family and those of the elders will serve me better.

Confucius believed that friends were capable of bringing joy to the life of others through joy of rendao or benevolence. When choosing friends we should go for people who are dependable not those who change with the season. Friends should be able to loyally admonish one another and set each other on the right path. We should also choose friends who are as good as we are (Angle, 2013). I agree with Confucius’s ideas on friendship. I believe friends should help keep each other in check by honestly correcting one another. By choosing friends who are equal to us it ensures you do not backslide in your virtues. There are differences in Confucius’s and Aristotle’s views on friendship. Confucius believed friendship should help one maintain or improve their virtue. On the other hand, Aristotle distinguished three types of friendship: for pleasure, of utility, and of virtue.


Angle, S. C. (2013). The Analects and moral theory. Dao Companion to the Analects, 225-257.

Confucius : The historical context. (n.d.). Confucius, the Analects and Western Education.

Dan, Y., & Tyldesley, E. (2009). Confucius from the heart: Ancient wisdom for today’s world. Simon & Schuster.

Lai, C. (2018). Confucius and modern China. Confucius and the Modern World, 1-10.

Sarkissian, H. (2013). Ritual and rightness in the Analects. Dao Companion to the Analects, 95-116.

Symposium. (2013). Plato: The Man and His Work (RLE: Plato), 223-248.

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