Essay on Contextual Foundation of Mental Health Nursing Practice

Published: 2021/12/16
Number of words: 3853


Mental health concern in recent times has been recognized as the most common issue that transformed drastically. This is mainly based on the closure of several old asylums and the care moves towards the community. The one major change that is found in the concern of nursing and mental health services is generally related to the shifting of society’s attitudes towards it. People are more likely to accept and support mental health-related issues that ensure the evolution within nursing and mental health services. In this assignment, the discussion is based on several health narratives and discourses for the evolution of mental health services and nursing based in Australia. In addition, discriminatory practices, several mental health practice models and theories are also discussed effectively.

1. Historical, traditional and contemporary mental health narratives and discourses that shape the evolution of mental health services and nursing

Historical, Traditional and Contemporary mental health narratives and discourses

The traditional, historical, contemporary mental health narratives and the discourses are the true representation that helps to display evolution shapes for nursing and mental health services. As per the view of Wistrand (2020), in recent times, there has been a clear recognition can be found regarding the considerable number who are facing several work-related distress and mental health issues. On the other hand, it has been found that nursing professionals are generally facing workloads and heavy responsibilities that shape the evolution of nursing and mental health services. Moreover, some complex reasons also have been identified like cultural beliefs and stigma, where the nurses have mainly adopted characteristics of several patients. The people or the patients are aware of some of the common kinds of mental disorders like anxiety and depression. However, they are more likely to talk about the nurses and health professionals and seek advanced treatment.

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Traditional, historical, contemporary mental-health narratives and several discourses generally help to recognize the overall process by certain social structures. It has been highlighted by McFerran et al., (2017), the effective social structures were generally constructed and it underlies that shapes the evolution of nursing and mental health services in Australia. The narratives based on the recovery from various mental health issues are mainly based on the establishment of an effective paradigm related to health practices and policies. The narrative synthesis is generally performed from the traditional and historical platforms which are essential for shaping the evolution of nursing and effective mental health services. However, Rapisarda & Miglioretti (2019) stated that the historical and traditional discourses are effective to understand the notion of several mental distresses that is caused by workload among the nurses. This is a kind of challenge which relates to cultural connotations that clarify the complexities present in mental discomfort for the patients and nurses. The views and attitudes towards psychopathology within the social community within the medical and mental health services have undergone a drastic kind of change (, 2021). However, modern theories, supernatural causes are helping in recognizing the mental health issues and shaping the evolution of nursing.

On the other hand, the enhancement of various mental illnesses is mainly a unique form related to pathology (Oute, Tondora & Glasdam, 2018). Moreover, the official diagnostic systems for classification were adopted by the medical professionals to incorporate treatments. Therefore, the new avenues related to research spawned, and effective modem models, approaches and theories that incorporate psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy were generally established. They are essential and implemented in the clinical practices that shape the evolution of mental health services and nursing in Australia.

2. Historical as well as ongoing impact of discriminatory practices on marginalised groups

Marginalization is an experience and process, whereas also related to consequences concerning unequal power-related relationships where generally the dominant groups are privileged. As per the view of Zambrana et al., (2017), they are privileged in terms of those who are pushed and othered towards the peripheries or related with margins within the society’s mainstream. On the other hand, this kind of process explores the ongoing and historical impact based on the discriminatory kind of practices upon marginalized groups. Moreover, it generally involves multiple forms such as lowering of participation among the educational sector, exclusion, and within health care access. Reports have identified that this mainly leads to poor health of those of marginalized groups present in society and excluded from the facilitation of proper mental health services (Fallov & Birk, 2021). However, marginalization is kind of socio-cultural lenses which are essential for understanding why some of the groups present in the society experience disadvantage in getting effective mental health services. On the other hand, Naz, Gregory & Bahu (2019) stated that racial discrimination mostly denies those of the form of ethnic and racial minority backgrounds that helps in access the right to get essential mental health services.

The historical and ongoing impact of discriminatory practice on marginalised groups is mainly a range of practices and behaviours that resulted in avoidable and unfair inequalities related to mental health services. The marginalized groups related with both men and women within the society as the rate equity-oriented provision of health care or mental health services help to improve the care quality for them. On the other hand, mental health-related stigma is generally included with the existence of the health care system for accessing the quality care barriers for marginalized groups. However, Nisar (2018) stated that perceived discrimination and its related practices in recent times have consistently been shown for being associated with diminished kind of mental health. Moreover, the psychological procedures mainly underlying with the history of the traumatic type of events that encounter discrimination practice on marginalised groups within mental health service. In addition, different marginalized present in Australia is facing effective discrimination practices based on the historical and ongoing impact on the mental health services.

It resulted in the addressing of stress-related procedures and several psychological outcomes which are required to consider the social context of the present members for marginalized groups (Savell et al., 2019). In addition, the marginalized groups present in Australia experience systematic and individual discrimination practices that might elicit adverse consequences upon mental health services.

3. Application of the ecological model to explore factors that contribute towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders

The ecological models were generally created as an effective way that helps in visually illustrating family, individual, organization, societal factors, and community. As per the view of Hawkins et al., (2021), this also helps to influence well-being and mental health concerns and to reduce mental disorders. This model also reflects people’s mental health is mainly affected by both negative and positive levels and the research also explores some foundational kinds of frameworks. On the other hand, WHO (World Health Organization), effectively describes that health is a type of state of the complete mental, physical and relates to social well-being. In addition, this is not merely the absence associated with infirmity or disease. Therefore, this ecological model explores factors that contribute towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders. However, Bernard & Stephanou (2017) stated that this model was effectively developed to recognize the ways and factors that the individuals are mainly affected by a very complex kind or range of nested environmental factors or interactions. On the other hand, it also relates to some social influences upon the people.

Figure 1: Ecological Model to explore factors that contribute towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders

(Source: Bernard & Stephanou 2017)

This model also helps to recognize the factors or several ranges that can cross among multiple levels like individuals, relationships, communities, society and policies. On the other hand, they can also influence or impact the people based on the intersectional and cumulative kinds of experiences. This model can be applied in the context of six essential levels associated with influence. The influence is related to all systems, contexts, and an environment that helps in complete support and understanding of healthy development that contributes towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders. On the other hand, Horn et al., (2021) stated that this model is applicable for shifting the narrative related to mental illness, disorders and health from any individual issues. In addition, this ecological model and its application can be based on shifting the mental health-related narrative from the first focus upon illness. Moreover, the other focus is upon mental well-being that considers the range of essential strategies. The application of this model can contribute to promoting mental health development and also mental health wellbeing and mental disorders. Therefore, the focus upon the promotion of mental well-being and reduction in mental disorders identifies the importance of mainly supporting mental well-being functioning effectively.

It can be stated that the application of the ecological model will effectively help by stating a big picture regarding mental disorders and mental well-being. On the other hand, this is also essential to develop a range of essential strategies to recognize the factors of influence upon mental-wellbeing concern (Gislason, Kennedy & Witham, 2021). This ecological model of health promotion and public health reflects the dynamic interplay and multidirectional complexity across the macro and micro levels. In addition, this model likewise works to respect the successful outcomes and reality that this type of intervention produces greater initiatives for contributing towards mental health wellbeing and mental disorders. Thus, the essential application of this ecological model provides a crucial matrix for directing and determining strategies that comprise consistent positive changes in the concern of mental health wellbeing and mental disorders.

4. Compare and contrast different mental health nursing practice models

I-Flow model underpins mental health nursing practices that focus upon innovative languishing and I-Flourishing opportunities that are applied within the mental health nursing practices. As per the view of Macfarlane (2021), this model applied within the effective mental health nursing practices related with a different perspective towards the other available frameworks. On the other hand, this I-Flow model positions flow and realism upon the epicentre, which generally suggests the constant dynamic kind of states related to homeostatic balance. Moreover, this model also identifies that mainly well-being can be an effective combination for managing negative and positive feelings, behaviours, and thoughts. In addition, the context of this model could be beneficial within the mental health nursing practices by increasing feedback and self-awareness. In contrast, the Trauma-Informed care model of mental health nursing practices develops too explicitly and provides an effective approach towards care. This model of care is essential but mostly there is no requirement to consider the model related philosophical basis. On the other hand, the use of this model helps to review the essential nursing practices and also describes an efficient nursing workforce for developing mental health-related nursing care. However, Bailey et al., (2019) stated that this is an evidence-based process or approach to delivering care that is generally applicable towards mental health. Moreover, this model provides a scope for the nurses in mental health care to ensure practice development. In addition, this model Trauma-Informed care offers proper guidance to effectively manage the workforce distress and stress that are associated with nursing practice change.

Figure 2: Trauma-Informed care model to improve mental health nursing practice models

(Source: Bailey et al., 2019)

On the other hand, the Tidal Model of mental health nursing practice is an explanation related to care services that must be offered in psychiatric nursing and mental health towards the illness-health paradigm. In contrast, with both the model I-Flow and Trauma-Informed Care this model is generally used as a recovery approach for the construction of attitude towards the effective mentally challenged of individuals in nursing practices. This model is also related to independent treatment and diagnosis procedures by changing them within the present nursing care practices. It has been highlighted by Couturier, Robutel & Correia (2021), this model also explores the portability present in the fields of psychiatric nursing practices and mental health development in recent times. In contrast, the mental health Recovery Model, in recent times increasingly has been used as a type of framework for promoting essential mental health in nursing practices. In addition, this model is also effective in improving mental health in nursing care practices by taking the current context of several care practices. Moreover, the principles related to this model, in contrast, with the other discussed models mainly focus care upon illness-related symptomatology.

Figure 3: Tidal Model to improve mental health nursing practice models

(Source: Couturier, Robutel & Correia 2021)

On the other hand, this also helps to understand the difference of dimensions related to the person that made it easy and possible to explore the way or essential recovery path. Thus, through the discussion of this mental health Recovery Model in the nursing practices regarding mental health can develop essential nursing activities and interventions that mainly contribute to crucially improve the quality of people’s life. Therefore, all the models of mental health nursing practice contribute to different ways to consider the enhancement of quality of care practices.

5. Application of mental health and mental health nursing theories to inform practice

Mental health and mental health nursing theories are generally within the information practices are related to Herzberg’s two-factor theory. The concern of job satisfaction is meanwhile studied as the essential assistance that is foremost to improve the mental health nursing care practices. In Australia, health care departments are facing traumatic and drastic difficulties to provide the patient’s mental health-related care. As per the view of Yousaf (2020), this theory and its application can provide a better understanding and management of job satisfaction concerns of the nurses in Australia. It also relates to the provision of inpatient and psychiatric kinds of care to ensure the development of essential mental health care practices. On the other hand, this theory is also useful to maintain motivational factors of the nurses towards care practice and to recognize the continuing professional enhancement and development of the nurses. This can also relate to the provision of monetary incentives and it’s linked with the enhanced clinical authority. However, Kassam et al., (2020) stated that with the application of other theories such as a pragmatic grounded theory, this theory ensures meaningful care towards the enhancement of mental health care practices towards nurses.

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On the other hand, based on this theory, medical professionals are seeking to promote social justice and cultural integrity to maintain efficient care practices for the patients. The application of this theory can explore the idea and recruitment of 25 registered nurses to work in the health services present in Western Australia. This theory is essential for developing the substantive kind of theory to describe the essential experiences related to mental health and mental health nursing. This theory is also essential to use for developing the essential conceptual model for mainly improving the mental health nursing-related care practices. On the other hand, Phoenix et al., (2020) stated that this theory can improve the thinking ability which relates to dissatisfaction concerns of the nurses towards the job. Henceforth, the application of these two theories can be essential for the health services present in Australia to contribute to providing quality care practices.


Thus, the overall discussion concluded that several traditional, historical and mental health narratives and discourses are responsible for shaping the evolution of mental health services and nursing in Australia. On the other hand, the enhancement of the effective use of essential taking therapies fetches a positive impact on the mental health care of the patients. However, it also concluded that the historical, as well as the ongoing impact of discriminatory practices on marginalised groups, relates to experiencing disadvantage in getting effective mental health services. Moreover, the application of the ecological model can provide an advantage to recognize the ways and factors that the individuals are mainly affected by a very complex kind or range to ensure the mental well-being of patients. Therefore, the application of theories and essential models also helps in managing the workforce distress and stress that are associated with required nursing practice change


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