Essay on Effect of Organic Diet on Human Health

Published: 2021/12/01
Number of words: 1807
  • Introduction

Discussions on organic food in the public discourse typically polarise and simplify the issue of whether organic or conventional foods are ‘better.’ This approach might be significant from a restricted consumer point of view since consumers typically concentrate their choices on items with or without an organic label. Therefore, this paper will provide examine different studies on how organic foods affect human health.

  • Discussion

Market surveys appear to suggest that the health expectations of organic foods are the highest motivating consumers to buy organic diet, and the findings of research on this subject may be of great social importance (Zakowska-Biemans). However, there is solid statistical evidence to date for these expectations (M. Kristensen). Various types of studies are being conducted to assess the nutritional importance of organic products instead of traditional products. A growing number of tasks, including studies on the content of goods from conventional and organic production processes and analysis studies, have been written. Furthermore, a much-limited number of studies on organic food intake have been conducted. This includes bioavailability and health effects of animal and human experiments and in vitro studies that compare organic and traditional product effects in the laboratory on various parameters. A summary of the recent research on the subject and a guide for evaluating the scientific validity of these studies is provided in this article. The issues related to the various methods are also explored. The potential health impacts of organic ingredients and recommendations for future studies are presented.

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Several experiments have examined the contents of primary and secondary food metabolites, e.g., herbal and traditional processes. The previous findings were revised. Highly dry and less nitrate content, and fewer chemical residues are the major conclusions (Forman). Concerning vitamins, they concluded that there are patterns in organic products to higher vitamin C levels, although mineral results are inconclusive (Popa).

In several organic foods, including pancakes and strawberries, higher vitamin C levels have also been found. A study paper has released a meta-analysis showing that in most trials, the levels of vitamin C in organic foods were much greater than conventional plant foods (Oliveira). Further reports reported vitamin C inorganic tomato, broccoli, bell pepper, pear and mango. Bio cultivated, sweet peppers, mandibular prunes, tomatoes and carrots have been observed with higher carotenoid content, while other compounds found to be less or equal in organic white carrots and tomatoes. The carotenoid content of a sample is known to depend on the soil type, genotype, fertilizers and pesticides (D.M. Barrett).

Higher proteins in conventionally processed grain than organically produced cereals have been found in particular studies. The higher Nitrogen fertilization rates of conventional manufacturing systems potentially explain this difference. Studies have also found that the content of acids in organic crops is higher than that of traditional product, meaning that essential amino acids are more available in organic foods. In other experiments, these latter results were not verified (P. Maeder, 2007). In the case of lesser concentrations of pesticide residues, nitrates, and even or less mycotoxin in organic crops, conclusions can be drawn, except the potentially beneficial elements mentioned.

While several studies have measured the quality of organic and conventional food’s Nutritional, Antioxidant, and Pesticide Residues, little scientific research has investigated whether organic food consumption is better than traditional food consumption (Jensen MM). Some studies have shown that organically manufactured feed additives, such as antibody parameters and hormone balance, can improve animal morphology.

Epidemiological studies may demonstrate statistically important connections between exposure and the impact on health, but do not include causation itself. The criteria suggested in 1965 by Sir Bradford Hill to scientifically evaluate the causality of epidemiological interactions include specificity, intensity of interaction, dosage response, time sequence, accuracy, consistence of replication, predictive effect, biological validity and consistency.

In the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Research, organic ingestion of food has been evaluated for hypospadias and cryptorchidism at delivery. The research group contained a male baby of 35,111 mothers. The results were collected by the natal medical registry of Norway (Brantsaeter AL). The food frequency questionnaire with details about 6 groups (views, fruit, bread/cereal, milk/dairy products, eggs and meat) for the use of organically produced foods was collected during pregnancy. Moms who ate organic foods are less likely to have children with hypospadias than mothers who never/no longer eat organic food (Brantsaeter AL). Combinations of organic ingredients is better for vegetables and milk/milk consumption.

Compounds between the consumption of all organic ingredients in a group of 623,181 British women and cancer for 9.2 years have been studied. Females were told to say, “Do you consume organic diet?” and four responses were given, sometimes and in general (Bradbury KE). Female who normally or always had healthier diets and lifestyles reported consuming organic food. The rate of organic diet consumption has decreased little to no save for a poor association to a reduced risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

In an experimental crossover in 160 healthy men and 60 male renal patients in Italy, researchers analyzed cardiovascular disease risk factors, including body and biochemical parameters. Outcome measures were achieved based on 14 days of a traditional diet for all patients and on the vegan Mediterranean diet for 14 days (De Lorenzo A). The study’s findings revealed that both healthy people and patients had decreased cardiovascular risks with organic diets.

The remaining findings have been included in a variety of statistical assessments and publications, apart from the last two trials of the prospective Norway maternity cohort (Johansson E, 2014). Human studies require numerous forward cohort studies, although it is widely accepted that there is inadequate empirical data from human studies to determine that organic food is healthier than traditional food in many respects. Few experiments have examined the health consequences of organic intakes of human food. There are still limited levels of chemical sensitivity to the effects on human health on sustainable diets. Some findings suggest that organic diets have higher nutrient profiles than traditional foods. The jury is yet out and not ready to decide whether it might be beneficial, say the publishers, to use organic alternatives. Whether or not the product is organic, the existing dietary recommendations, which prescribe more fruit veggies, and meats and less meat, are valid.

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On the basis of the preceding research, more organic food intake might be linked to a decreased incidence of infant allergies. People who eat more organically tend to follow a better general diet with greater fruit, vegetables and wholegrains intake and lower meat consumption, a dietary pattern that is connected both with a reduced carbon footprint and a reduced like-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk of chronically affected people. More often than not, adults eating organic food are less likely to be overweight or obese.

  • Conclusion

Suggestive data shows that use of organic foods may lower the incidence of allergic diseases and obesity, although residual confusion is probable because organic food users tend to have healthier lives as a whole. The effects of some pesticides on cognitive developments of children have been recorded in epidemiological research at current exposures, but such information has so far been not used in the rigorous risk evaluations of specific pesticides. The content of nutrients in organic fruit and vegetables is slightly different between organic and conventional plants and the phenolic compounds are slightly more. In organic cereal crops, the level of cadmium is probably also lower. Organic milk products have a greater level of omega-3 fatty acids than conventional goods and potentially meats have a greater level but this difference is likely to be of little nutritional relevance. The prevailing use of antibiotics as a main driver of antibiotic resistance in the society in traditional animal agriculture is more important; antibiotic usage in organic farming is lower. Organic food production, thus, offers numerous known and prospective health advantages and would most likely help human health if greater use were to be achieved in conventional agriculture, for example in integrated pesticide control.


Bradbury KE, Balkwill A, Spencer EA, Roddam AW, Reeves GK. “Organic food consumption and the incidence of cancer in a large prospective study of women in the United Kingdom.” Br. J. Cancer (2015): 2321-2326.

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Oliveira, Aurelice B., Carlos FH Moura, Enéas Gomes-Filho, Claudia A. Marco, Laurent Urban, and Maria Raquel A. Miranda. ” “The impact of organic farming on quality of tomatoes is associated to increased oxidative stress during fruit development.” .” PLoS One 8, (2013).

P. Maeder, D. Hahn, D. Dubois, L. Gunst, T. Alföldi, H. Bergmann, M. Oehme, R. Amado, H. Schneider, U. Graf, A. Velimirov, A. Fließbach, U. Niggli. “Wheat quality in organic and conventional farming: results of a 21 year field experiment.” J. Sci. Food Agric (2007): 1826-1835.

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Vallverdú-Queralt, Anna, Alexander Medina-Remón, Isidre Casals-Ribes, and Rosa M. Lamuela-Raventos. “”Is there any difference between the phenolic content of organic and conventional tomato juices?.”.” Food Chemistry 130 (2012): 222-227.

Zakowska-Biemans, S. “Consumers values and motives regarding organic food products in Poland.” International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR (2008): 506-509.

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