Essay on Effects of High Population Growth

Published: 2021/11/26
Number of words: 1376

Audience and Purpose

Population growth in the world is posing a threat to environmental sustainability, especially in the United States. There is an urgent need to control the ever-rising population in a bid to ensure posterity for future generations. Failure to control the rising population levels can attract dire consequences to the society. The audience for the project involves all stakeholders who ensure the proper planning within a country and the world in genaral. The purpose of the research is to find out effects associated with high levels of population in the world. Much focus is accorded to the United States and the impacts that are evident in the country due to high levels of population growth. Understanding the effects of high population can be instrumental in solving puzzles as related to the same.


The research conducted examines the impact of increased population growth across the United States and the world in general. A society that fully understands census reports and the number of resources available in the country can plan their activities properly. However, the high population in countries has affected development and economic growth (Hertzman, Frank & Evans, 2017). Population increase beyond the level that the environment can hold is destructive. Human beings and living organisms depend primarily on the environment, and high population levels strain the environment of the available resources (Hertzman, Frank & Evans, 2017). The paper aims to examine the impacts of population growth on the environment in the world. Examples of implications as a result of increased population growth include a scramble for the available resources, increased social problems, and high levels of unemployment.

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High population growth results in high levels of unemployment, especially for underdeveloped countries. An increase in the population without significant economic growth can attract high levels of unemployment (Turner & Brooks, 2018). The United States is an epitome of a country whose unemployment levels are rising due to a high population. The population is high in the country majorly due to birth rates and immigration that occurs to the country. Every year, thousands of immigrants move to the US in search of jobs and peace. With no further strategies to expand the economy and create more jobs for the thousands of immigrants, the unemployment level in the country has increased. All stakeholders have to hold inclusive discussions that are aimed at devising strategies that can reduce population growth. Countries that have a high population in the world, such as India, are facing a severe problem of unemployment in their economy (Turner & Brooks, 2018). Examples of countries with low unemployment rates include Qatar, Kuwait, Cambodia, and Belarus. On the other hand, countries such as Lesotho, Swaziland, and Mozambique have the highest levels of unemployment as contributed by increasing population levels (Turner & Brooks, 2018). As such, high population growth within an economy results in unemployment.

An increase in population levels leads to a struggle to obtain the available scarce resources within the economy. The population is increasing gradually, while resources available for use are limited, posing a challenge to future sustainability (Osborn, Squires, Doty, Sarnak & Schneider, 2016). For instance, human beings have to clear forests and other natural aspects available to create room for settlement (Mittal & Mittal, 2013). The issue of scarcity of resources manifests in society, making many to struggle for survival. Equally, the need for land for cultivation has led to the clearance of some natural environment, which risks the loss of biodiversity. The thirst for ore minerals from the earth’s surface is threatening environmental sustainability. The environment should be conserved as the future generations require to use it in meeting their expectations. An increase in population compromises the state of the environment due to pressure exerted on the available resources. Some communities in the world lack basics such as food as their governments cannot be able to feed them sufficiently (Osborn, Squires, Doty, Sarnak & Schneider, 2016). Also, pressure on plants and the environment has resulted in a conflict of sustainability and effective use of resources. Sustainability advocates for the use of resources conservatively, having the future generations in mind. Water scarcity is a possible result of the increased population, especially in the United States. Animals and human beings need water for survival, and an increase in population threatens water sustainability across the world (Osborn, Squires, Doty, Sarnak & Schneider, 2016). An increase in population, notably, leads to a struggle for the available scarce resources.

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A high population attracts social problems within a society, especially when people stay together in cities. Such densely populated areas lead to the breeding of social issues that can prove problematic to the whole community (Coccia, 2018). Densely populated cities are characterized by high levels of crime, and the United States is not an exemption. For instance, crime rates go high as many youths are idle, which prompts them to break the law. Equally, diseases crop up easily in regions where people are densely populated (Cutuli, 2018). The high levels of population witnessed in the United States have led to cropping up social problems that derail development diseases such as HIV/AIDS are spread fast in areas that have a high population. As such, controlling population levels in major towns can help reduce cropping up of social problems (Coccia, 2018). Examples of social problems that emerge as a result of a high population include homelessness, drug abuse, prostitution, theft, and the emergence of criminal gangs (Cutuli, 2018). The issues that people go through in such densely populated areas contribute significantly to other issues that affect the well-being of a population. Also, a high population in a country compromises the quality of life that many might lead within the economy. Communities that have a high population are at a higher risk of developing social problems such as sanitation due to the inability to control some aspects (Coccia, 2018). Population growth should be controlled to reduce the possibility of increased social issues.


To sum it up, a census report is essential to a country as it can help in proper planning and distribution of resources. However, an increased population in a nation can derail development and economic growth. A high population in an economy leads to increased unemployment levels. The United States is a country that is characterized by a growing population due to increasing immigration. Such individuals have led to increased levels of unemployment within the country. Unemployment deteriorates the economy, leading to low standards of living. Countries such as Mozambique and Swaziland have high levels of unemployment as characterized by a high population. Equally, the high population has resulted in a scramble for the limited sources. Resources such as land, water, minerals, and other valuables become difficult with high levels of population in the economy. In the report, emphasis is laid on social problems that arise as a result of high population. Such issues include theft, crime, prostitution, drug abuse, child abuse, and the manifestation of diseases. All governments in the world should ensure the implementation of viable strategies that can help maintain the population at an optimum level for environmental sustainability.


Coccia, M. (2018). A theory of general causes of terrorism: high population growth, income inequality and relative deprivation. Archives of Psychology2(4).

Cutuli, J. J. (2018). Homelessness in high school: population-representative rates of self-reported homelessness, resilience, and risk in Philadelphia. Social Work Research42(3), 159-168.

Hertzman, C., Frank, J., & Evans, R. G. (2017). Heterogeneities in health status and the determinants of population health. In Why are some people healthy and others not? (pp. 65-92). Routledge.

Mittal, R., & Mittal, C. G. (2013). Impact of population explosion on environment. WeSchool “Knowledge Builder”–The Nat. J1(1), 1-5.

Osborn, R., Squires, D., Doty, M. M., Sarnak, D. O., & Schneider, E. C. (2016). In new survey of eleven countries, US adults still struggle with access to and affordability of health care. Health Affairs35(12), 2327-2336.

Turner, J. J., & Brooks, W. T. (2018). Predicting County-Level Unemployment in the Census East South Central Region. CJAS8(1), 34-49.

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