Essay on Implications of Pharmacogenomics and Technology on the Nursing Practice

Published: 2021/11/15
Number of words: 911


This paper aims to outline the implications of pharmacogenomics and technology on the nursing practice. The technology enables nurses in identifying the relationship between human genes and drugs. The practice has faced numerous challenges and ethical issues but even then, many organizations have successfully adopted and implemented it.


Genomics has brought gradual changes to the nature of medicine and delivery of healthcare. Nurses have always tried to establish the relationship between drugs and human genes. The advances in molecular technology have made the study of genomes relevant to professionals. This paper outlines the importance of pharmacogenomics and technology in the nursing practice, its challenges, and ethical issues.

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Advantages of Applying Pharmacogenomics and Technology in Nursing Practice

Having done masters of Science in nursing (MSN), I will be required at one point to apply pharmacogenomics and technology in my future nursing practice. This technology will help me in identifying the underlying genetic factors that influence the toxicity of drugs in the patient (Cheek, Bashore & Brazeau, 2015). Through pharmacogenomics and technologies, I will be able to identify the specific genes that affect the body’s response to certain drugs. The barcode medication administration will help in the reduction of medication administration errors (Strudwick et al., 2017). This will enable me to administer the right treatment to patients. In addition, I will be able to provide direct clinical care to the patients.


Though pharmacogenomics and technology has many advantages, they have some limitations too. Newer technologies in pharmacogenomics such as next-generation sequencing are introduced each day (Cheek, Bashore & Brazeau, 2015). Nurses will be required to undergo life learning to cope with the ever-changing technology as the older skills are rendered inapplicable by the newer ones. In addition, pharmacogenomics poses an economic challenge. The cost of storing genetic samples, purchasing resources for computational analysis, and interpreting the findings is relatively high (Cheek, Bashore & Brazeau, 2015). Studies have revealed that there exists a serious lack of adequate knowledge of genetics on the part of many clinicians.

Ethical issues

Among the ethical issues in pharmacogenomics and technologies include the patient’s privacy and protection of data obtained from genetic samples (Arcangelo, Peterson, Wilbur & Reinhold, 2017). The Genetics Information Non-discrimination act aims to protect patients from genetic discrimination in health centers. Genomic counseling requires the inclusion of a personal and family medical history and a rigorous informed consent (Blix, 2014). Moreover, bedsitter nurses are under obligation to ensure that there is consent from patients for appropriate testing.

How Innovative Changes in Treatment and Technologies Has Been Received In My Workplace

Employees in my workplace have adapted well to the innovative changes in treatment and technology. Being an innovative organization with creative leadership, the counselors have successfully incorporated the new skills in the clinical work and carried the innovative thinking into individual thinking. In addition, members have used the innovation in empowering themselves through professional growth and efficacy. This happens in any innovative organization (Becan, Knight & Flynn, 2012).

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Ways of Improving Outcomes Using Pharmacogenomics In and Technologies in the Nursing Practice

To improve outcomes using pharmacogenomics and technology in my practice as the MSN, I would first build a strong interdisciplinary team in the organization. The team will consist of service leader, a competent clinician, laboratory specialist and a physician. Such a team is critical to ensuring successful implementation of the health services (Arwood, Chumnumwat, Cavallari, Nutescu & Duarte, 2016). I will facilitate communication among the health workers through the establishment of information technology groups at the institution. This will enable all healthcare practitioners to assess information concerning genetic test results easily and utilize it over time.


Pharmacogenomics technology has impacted much on the nursing practice. Its advantages include the elimination of the trial and error in drug administration. The main challenges are high costs and lack of adequate education. Some of the ethical issues in pharmacogenomics are patient privacy and consent. Many health workplaces have accepted and adopted the innovative changes in treatment and technologies. Pharmacogenomics outcomes can be improved through the establishment of a strong interdisciplinary team and a good information technology network in the health institutions. Pharmacogenomics technology has overcome its challenges and proved to be of great benefit to the health sector.


Arcangelo, V., Peterson, A., Wilbur, V., & Reinhold, J. (2017). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer

Arwood, M., Chumnumwat, S., Cavallari, L., Nutescu, E., & Duarte, J. (2016). Implementing pharmacogenomics at your institution: Establishment and overcoming implementation challenges. Clinical and translational science9(5), 233-245.

Becan, J., Knight, D., & Flynn, P. (2012). Innovation adoption as facilitated by a change-oriented workplace. Journal of substance abuse treatment42(2), 179-190.

Blix, A. (2014). Personalized medicine, genomics, and pharmacogenomics. Clinical journal of oncology nursing18(4), 437-441.

Cheek, D., Bashore, L., & Brazeau, D. (2015). Pharmacogenomics and implications for nursing practice. Journal of nursing scholarship47(6), 496-504.

Strudwick, G., Reisdorfer, E., Warnock, C., Kalia, K., Sulkers, H., Clark, C., & Booth, R. (2017). Factors associated with barcode medication administration technology that contribute to patient safety. Journal of nursing care quality, 1.

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