Essay on Rapid Technological Change and Modernism

Published: 2021/11/18
Number of words: 2069

The modern world has faced many changes in various sectors due to rapid technological changes. The concept of modernism encompasses transformational tendency to break from traditional cultural ties and other beliefs (Baudelaire 12). The effect of technology on western culture can be noted back way to the early 19th and 20th century. A close comparison of what life people led decades ago is a clear indication that the world is changing. Due to increased globalization and technological changes, various sectors of the economy have transformed into what can be referred to modernity. For instance, the nature of clothing that people wore during the early 19th century can illustrate the impact of modernity on culture (Moraglio 23). Modernity began in western countries and had since then spread to other countries in the world. It entails a change of beliefs and way of thinking to suit the current world that is reliant on technology. The paper aims to discuss the impact of rapid technological changes on modernism. Technology affects every sector of the economy in the modern world, including art & fashion, transport, media, warfare, education, business, politics, culture, health, and agriculture, among others. It is critical to examine how technological developments have impacted each of the listed sectors.

Technology has played a vital role in promoting transport in the current world. Advancements in the sector are notable as people can move from one part of the world to another. Inventions and innovations in the industry have aided in the establishment of convenient means. In the past, people could take a lot of time moving from one continent to another as it was through a ship. Aircraft and electric trains have been developed to facilitate transport within the world. It is also important to note that through technological changes, the current world can regulate traffic for smooth movement within areas that have a high population. This is a simple change of ideas from the traditional way of handling matters to what can be referred to as modernity. Modernity embraces conformity of the acceptable code of conduct by each in the society. People can move to any part of the world for business trips and fun. Those who want to study abroad can do so while those who prefer to go for religious matters are able. It is certain to assert that technology has had a far much-reaching impact in the sector.

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Education is yet another sector that has been affected and impacted by technological changes. Modernity involves a change of ideas and the way of thinking. It is critical to note the fact that in the past, what people learnt was different from what the education systems in many countries today apply (Stehr 3). Use of e-learning platforms has become the norm in western culture. Students can use computers and tablets in the digital era. Education has impacted modernity significantly, and technological advancements in the sector have facilitated globalization. For instance, in most African settings, people used to receive informal learning, which was passed from one generation to another. This has changed since western culture took effect as a result of modernity. In the new culture, learners can attend specific institutions from where they are taught various disciplines. Rapid technological changes in the education sector have promoted the spread of civilization (Marx and Frederick 9). For this reason, the world has significantly changed, echoing the role of technology in ensuring that modernity has affected contemporary society.

Art, fashion, and design is an area that has been affected by technological changes in the modern world. Modernity in art means the application of computers and other digital devices to produce images and paintings for the society. The history of art does not contain the use of computers until westernization took effect globally. Graphic designs are emerging, and many people are embracing the new culture in the art industry. Some of the practices that have developed in art that attribute to technological changes include 3D painting, e-books, Photoshop, digitally generated music, and graphic design, among others (Hellström 389). Clearly, with such beautiful creations in the market, it is certain to say that technology has expanded the horizon of creativity. It has also increased the ease of sharing images and accessibility on a global level. To some extent, rapid technology growth has also affected art negatively. Technology is a vital phenomenon in modernity, and its application in art has yielded more than what many thought it could do. Digital cameras can be used to take photos that are clear and colored, something hard in the past. Cameras in the past were not as clear as they are today, indicating a significant step made in the art industry due to technological advancement. Many critics say that art that is computer generated is inauthentic due to the ease of fabrication and hacking. To some, advancement in technology has been a boost to their artistic practices. Ancient art plays a role in understanding the steps made to promote modernity since the early 19th century (Baudelaire 1). The clothing from some videos from back then clearly shows how people have changed. Architecture is a creation of modernity that encompasses art and technological designations. As such, it is evident that technology has impacted the spread of modernity, both positively and negatively.

Modernity uses new methods of handling various health hazards in society. For instance, it is through technological changes that the health sector can combat the spread of diseases and the manufacture of drugs. The nature of drugs that people used in the past is different from what people are applying in the current modern world (Cesari and Raymond 408). Cancer can be controlled and detected by the help of machines, a matter not possible without the help of digital devices. As such, technological advancements in the health sector have seen most countries control even their population growth. It is critical to examine the role that technology plays to impact the health of a person. Health information and technology helps provide better care to patients across the world. For instance, modernity requires one to change some traditional aspects in favor of western culture. Technology is a factor in the transformation process, and it affects the reasoning of every individual. The article “The metropolis and Mental Life” is definite on what technology has contributed to mental life and the effect it has on modernity. In the report, an examination of mental health is taken into account to give a view of what modernity entails (Simmel 37). Through advanced technology in the health care sector, many have been able to receive better and more accessible treatment. Disease control and efficiency have been realized in the industry due to the application of technology. Furthermore, rapid technological advancements have contributed to the development of new medicine through research and experiments. Such efforts have promoted modernity in the current world, suggesting how critical technology has been in impacting the health sector. As such, technological changes are a contributing factor in the spread of modernism.

Industrial8zation is on the rise since the beginning of the twentieth century. Industrialization can be traced back to the world war in Britain during the Agrarian revolution. There was a need to devise a mechanism that would sustain the nation during that time. As such, division of labor and specialization emerged to ensure increased food productivity. The industrialization has been made possible due to advanced technology. This is because industries require a comprehensive combination of digital systems to achieve productivity. For instance, countries that are less advanced technology-wise are less advantaged in terms of industrialization. As such, it is essential to note that rapid technological advancements have a direct impact on manufacturing. The western culture embraces industrialization as a means of sustainability within the economy. Most of the work was done manually in the past, a matter that has changed. Industrialization requires the application of principles such as division of labor, teamwork, and specialization in an organization to realize a production goal. Modernity and industrialization are correlated since both are products of western culture (Marx and Frederick 15). As such, rapid technological change is seen to affect industrial operations and hence modernity.

Media is one area that has felt the impact of rapid technological changes. At the beginning of the 19th century, many people had no convenient way of communicating with each other, especially when they are far apart. As such, there was a need to develop a means of communication that is acceptable international standards. Equally, the media industry has benefitted significantly from advanced technology. The changes have facilitated access to information that is important in contemporary society. Use of smart televisions and computers in the current world is a clear indication of modernity. Furthermore, mobile phones have become common, and sending information to a person in any part of the world has been made possible. The technology has left a remarkable history in the advancement of the media industry. Television and radio station plays a crucial role in enlightening the society and the spread of western culture. Programs that aired on media houses and articles written inform the community on how to live decently, a move that has promoted modernity in the world (Marx and Frederick 30). To some extent, rapid technological changes have impacted the media industry, which has been a pillar in the spread of western culture.

Warfare has changed significantly with the rise of modernity. In the past, many suffered during war at the hands of technology. This is because those who use technology are a step ahead and can quickly gain an advantage against anyone who knows less about technology. Innovation and invention have promoted developments in the warfare sector to the extent of attaining high-security standards. It is through the advancements in technology that most nations can protect their territories. For example, countries that had a technological advantage are the ones who were able to conquer others during the world war and imperialist era. Additionally, in the modern world, technology has promoted warfare by ensuring low collateral damage, few civilian causalities, and importantly, protection of property (Coeckelbergh 4). With machines in the military, there is less of human power required to be on the ground as they can be replaced using technology. Technology has also led to the development of nuclear weapons, which are a threat to many in the world. Improved civilian protection is an advantage that the world attained due to advanced technology, which has promoted warfare.

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On the other hand, rapid technological changes have impacted modernity negatively (Baudelaire 34). Increased internet access from underage people is proving a significant challenge for many in the world. Equally, cases of terrorism have increased, claiming many lives of civilians as a result of technology and modernity. Technology has promoted the development of highly explosive agents, which have been used in instances of terrorism. Data theft is also on the rise due to high tech, which hackers use to access unauthorized information. Moreover, many ethical concerns have emerged with the increased use of technology in the modern world.

To sum it up, rapid technological changes have had a far much reaching impact on the spread of modernity. The report has analyzed the effects of rapid technological changes in promoting modernity as a western concept. Every aspect of modernity is impacted by technology, including health, education, art, fashion, design, politics, and the economy in general. Warfare, transport, and media are sectors that have hugely relied on technology to achieve international standards. The nature of and quality of life that people lived early in the 19th century has changed over time.

Works Cited

Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre. The painter of modern life. Penguin UK, 2010.

Coeckelbergh, Mark. “Technology and the good society: A polemical essay on social ontology, political principles, and responsibility for technology.” Technology in Society 52 (2018): 4-9.

Hellström, Tomas. “Systemic innovation and risk: technology assessment and the challenge of responsible innovation.” Technology in Society 25.3 (2003): 369-384.

Marx, Karl, and Frederick Engels. The Communist manifesto: a road map to history’s most important political document. Haymarket Books, 2005.

Moraglio, Massimo. Driving Modernity: Technology, Experts, Politics, and Fascist Motorways, 1922-1943. Vol. 3. Berghahn Books, 2017.

Simmel, Georg. “The metropolis and mental life.” The urban sociology reader. Routledge, 2012. 37-45.

Stehr, Nico. Knowledge politics: Governing the consequences of science and technology. Routledge, 2015.

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