Essay on Risk and Benefits of Organizational Change in Hospital

Published: 2021/11/18
Number of words: 979

In the past the fact that doctors or medical workers were not able to be good leader was the greatest belief then. Hence, many health institutions were led by the non-medical staff till recent years that the trained medics started taking leadership roles. Leadership is a post that can be occupied by any able person capable of trading. The difference being in the leadership styles of each individual. Proposing leaders at any facility maybe a difficult task due to responsibilities and power that comes with it. The paper therefore reports on risks and benefits of an organizational change at a health facility.

Pros and cons of non-medical staff in medical decisions


Non-medical staff in leadership positions are typically trained in institutional and personnel management. As a result of their talents in making critical decisions and allocating resources, they are better equipped to lead medical facilities. Unlike doctors, who may be naive about how to run a large company, the majority of non-medical employees who are appointed to lead medical facilities have a lot of experience leading other organizations. Medical workers mainly focus on their profession more than the leadership skills. (Fares and Bou Haidar, 2018).

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Medical facilities, in addition to being health centers, are businesses that require individuals with marketing and sales skills to sell their services to potential clients. Non-medical personnel make up the majority of highly competent personnel in sales and marketing. Management makes judgments with the assistance of other department heads who provide their medical expertise to the decision-making process. Judgement requires majority of time and focus in which most medical officers do not have.


A leader has to be someone that his or her followers admire and acknowledge in their everyday activities. Appointing non-medical personnel to lead the medical team could lead to leadership issues. Medical personnel feel more at ease working under someone who understands their work issues and has been in their shoes. As a result, medical leaders are likely to receive cooperation from doctors and other medical employees who have trust amongst themselves.

As a medical leader, you may be called upon to make important decisions based on your medical knowledge. For instance, the sort of medical equipment to acquire or the type of medication to purchase. Overdependence on other members of the staff for medical knowledge will almost certainly lead to a delay in judgment. Leaders build trust by demonstrating their abilities. A leader who shows ignorance in front of his or her followers is unlikely to gain the respect and support of his or her followers. Hence this builds a suitable bridge for medical workers to take leadership roles(Fares and Bou Haidar, 2018).

Importance of management of resources

A manager’s most important job is to decide how to best allocate the institution’s resources. The institution has a number of projects, and management is responsible for determining how much money is assigned to each one. The administration is also responsible for ensuring that the institution is financially self-sustaining through the sale of its products and services. In the event of a financial crisis, management should devise strategies for increasing sales or finding new sources of revenue for the institution. A leader must recognize the need of record keeping in order to properly administer an institution. Inventory guarantee that medical equipment and supplies are available at all times, ensuring that the hospital’s operations function smoothly (Dotcom, 2018).

Doctors who aspire to take on leadership responsibilities in the operation of facilities should pursue supplemental courses to learn about business management. labor is critical to the success of any treatment center since the quality of services provided to patients is directly influenced by the employees. Workers that are motivated are more likely to give high-quality services. Any hospital CEO should recognize the value of a well-trained and motivated workforce in the success of his or her organization. Because management is involved in personnel recruiting, the standard of care provided to clients is directly influenced (Dotcom, 2018).

Getting buy-in of facility staff

During the recruiting process, hospital administration should be willing to hire both medical and non-medical personnel. Although a medical staff in leadership can have a beneficial impact on medics’ motivation, it is important to recognize that some may be unaware of managing. Before being hired for high-level management jobs, medical professionals should be screened for leadership skills.

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To function properly, a hospital, like any other business, requires managerial abilities. As a result, hospitals should be willing to hire qualified and experienced non-medical professionals to help administer the facility. To reach out to its customers, a hospital needs someone with sales and marketing experience. Employees‟ productivity, work satisfaction, and increased service quality are all enhanced by effective healthcare workers management (Goldthorp, 2019).

In conclusion, I prefer both the non-medical and medical workers be given a chance to prove their leadership positions in any health facility. This should be by showing their leadership skills before taking up any role. It should be either through valid documents or the work they have done in the past proving their worth. Everybody should have equal opportunities. The report therefore that both workers both trained and non-trained can take up the roll. Leadership is a calling and should be taken with the uttermost respect for self and others.


Dotcom. (2018). The Importance of Knowledge Management in Staff Empowering in the Training Complex. Asian Research Journal Of Business Management5(3).

Fares, J. and Bou Haidar, M., 2018. Physician leadership and hospital ranking: Expanding the role of neurosurgeons. Surgical Neurology International, 9(1), p.199.

Goldthorp, N. (2019). Managing Health Professionals. Physiotherapy76(4), 223.

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