Essay on Sports Marketing

Published: 2021/11/22
Number of words: 1864

The modern-day child is less active and in mot case involved only in indoor games. As a result, the world is fighting and battling with many cases of obesity and overweight children and adult. Sporting activity have always played a role in promoting the participation in physical activity. However, the modern-day child only plays passive games that are less physically involving. Video games are the main game activities that children are familiar with, which are played both at home and at schools. School sporting activity have always served to promote physical wellbeing among school-going children, however, the children of today are less interested in play physical games and instead want to play with toys. However, the situation can be changed, children can play with their toys but at the same time participate in physical activities. That is why Hak Company introduces activeToy. This is a toy that provides entertainment activity while at the same time help in the participating in physical activities that would their bodies.

This games can be played both at home and school. In this case, physical education teachers can use these games during physical education lesson to help their children in practicing physical activities. activeToy can be switched between two modes of operation, the active mode and the passive mode. This allows for the toys to be used both indoors in passive mode and outdoors in active mode. This makes the product very versatile for use in different places and be essential for both parents and teachers. Aside from helping children with activities, the multipurpose toys help both parents and teachers to save on money buying toys to be used for playing outside and inside the house. The product is also less expensive in addition to the excellent services it gives to the users. Schools can purchase this product and use them during physical education learning and hence physical education ceases to depend on traditional games that are common and sometimes less interesting to students.

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This product is good for inclusive classes and families where children with different abilities are present. In many occasions, most if the children in these classes are disadvantaged due to the inability to participate in the normal games like football, swimming and skipping ropes. This new game takes care of all the needs of the different cases of children. The active mode can be used by abled children who can easily run around with the toys while the inactive mode would be used by disabled children who are unable to run around. In such a class where the children can play with the same game equipment, effectiveness of learning is likely to occur based on the fact that the learners are not separated, but accommodated within the same environment and given the same tools for playing. Sporting activities do not have to take the traditional aspects where they involve traditional games like football, baseball among others. We can start them off with child play games before introducing the major games and ActiveToy is an example of the sporting activities that would be suitable for school going children. They allow the child to be a child as the play while at the same time contributing to the experience of childhood. Enjoying one’s childhood is one of the most essential ways to prepare children to become stable and responsible adults and ActiveToy wants to play the exact role.

Building brand identity

Target market

Our current target for the product and parents to younger children as well as teachers in elementary school. This is to help younger children start out on a physical fitness not, loving activities as they navigate towards their future. However, we intend to spread the market to cover adolescents. These is a group that is also at an age that is conscious and are trying to identify and recognize themselves. Due to a number of reasons, they tend to be involved in less physical activities. Some may become depressed due to different reasons. In this case, our intention to use sports to bring them together and help them navigate through adolescence with ease and less strain on their mental health. Through the use of future ActiveToy products, we believe that they would be in a position to come together, brought together by the interesting games and be in a position where they can easily talk to each other and solve their issues. Additionally this is an age where, their change rapidly and some may become obese. We will design our products in a way that they are motivating to use and can be effective for all ages. In this way, we shall have young people across all ages involved in playing the games and competing with each other. This will be driven by our main slogan “A sporty fight against depression and obesity” and our campaign will be to bring to life the words of the slogan. Our brand identity will be based on the need to break the traditions in sports involving children and adolescents and promote the use o new technology to promote the physical and mental wellbeing among young people and adolescent. The aim to help this group navigate through the challenging ages with ease.

Pricing strategy

For pricing, we shall take two main strategies where one will be applied at the beginning as we launch our product into the market. This will be penetration pricing. We shall have the products selling at a lower price in the first few months after the launch of the product. This is in a bid to welcome the customers (Hinterhuber, 2017). However, upon establishment, we shall take the value-based pricing approach where, the products shall be sold based on the quality of the returns to the customer. The first approach of pricing will in this regard be used on the assessing and evaluating how effective the products are in meeting the set objectives. We shall conduct a survey among users to establish how they are affected by the use of the products. Our main objective is to help younger people overcome depression and obesity (Hinterhuber, 2017). In this case, we shall give it a year of operation with the same penetration pricing, after which we shall conduct a final survey to note the changes in the users to see whether or not the effects have been achieved as expected (Feurer, Schuhmacher & Kuester, 2018). The findings at this will determine our next course of action, either set the prices based on the value of the product or re-strategize to improve quality to meet the set objectives. This is in a bid to ensure that we deliver according to the customers’ expectations.

Advertising strategy

For advertisement, we will use the method that allows for the use of the most audience oriented method. Facebook is one of the major social media platforms that allow the user to select their intended audience by their location, their age and interests. It further allows for setting and testing out simple image and text based ads (Akolo, 2021). Being a product that is targeted at a specific age group, the use of Facebook in advertisement would help reach our target more effectively as well as choose the most convenient location where we first want to start our sales before spreading out to the rest of the world. Facebook will also allow for the creation of relevant ads that will effectively get and be understood by the intended audience. We shall at the same time use the same platform to publicize our launch date in a bid to have an audience and participants to help in the testing of the product before selling it to the market.

Another mode of advertisement will be the pay per click method. This is one of the most promising mode of advertisement (Razi, 2021). Web indexes and numerous sites (counting informal organizations locales like Facebook and YouTube), convey little adverts with implanted URL’s. At the point when somebody taps on these adverts, the organization that put them there is charged. This is considered by numerous individuals to be the best internet promoting strategy by a long shot and has been developing at an astounding rate. Dissimilar to conventional publicizing pay per click is client initiated. Clients like it, since it costs them nothing and they possibly use it if there is something that draws in them. The upside of pay per click for publicists is that they just compensation for the real navigate to their site. With different strategies for publicizing, both disconnected and on the web, you have no specific thought of the amount it will cost you to draw in every guest (Snyder & Garcia-Garcia, 2016). A client that navigates into your site is probably going to be keen on what you need to say, in light of the fact that these clients are effectively searching for data or investigating what you need to say, your item administration or offering. We shall dwell on this two methods of advertisement, however, on the launch date, we shall work on having a renowned sports personality to endorse the product. This is will help in building the trust of the users in the product.

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We shall have different sponsors coming on board. We are focused on getting sponsors in the media industry to help in the running television ads. This is based on the fact that this products has family and schools as the main target audience and hence having television ads would help pushing the product further among users. The cost of television ads is high and hence having the media sponsorship will help save a large sum of money. Another group of sponsors will be energy drink companies to volunteer during the launch event to provide drinks for the audience that will be present at the launch. This will be a win-win situation for both groups where aside from the company providing sponsorship, they will have an opportunity to market their products to the audience.

We shall run a promotion in the first month of sale where we shall have discounts on the products. This will be in a bid to attract more customers to buy the product. Upon establishment, we shall introduce loyalty programs to reward loyal customers to the company. This will mainly involve loyalty cards for customers that would frequently visit the store and earn loyalty points.


Akolo, W. (2021). Effective Strategies to Promote Your Sports Event. Retrieved 15 June 2021, from

Feurer, S., Schuhmacher, M., & Kuester, S. (2018). How Pricing Teams Develop Effective Pricing Strategies for New Products. Journal Of Product Innovation Management36(1), 66-86. doi: 10.1111/jpim.12444

Hinterhuber, A. (2017). Implementing pricing strategies. Journal Of Revenue And Pricing Management17(1), 1-2. doi: 10.1057/s41272-017-0129-6

Razi, S. (2021). Debates on Digital Advertising Strategies: An Experiential Approach to Encourage Critical Thinking. Advertising & Society Quarterly22(1). doi: 10.1353/asr.2021.0016

Snyder, J., & Garcia-Garcia, M. (2016). Advertising across Platforms: Conditions for Multimedia Campaigns: A Method for Determining Optimal Media Investment And Creative Strategies across Platforms. Journal Of Advertising Research56(4), 352-367. doi: 10.2501/jar-2016-042

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