Managing People Assignment: BrewDog Company, UK

Published: 2021/12/28
Number of words: 3256

Part 1

The term “strategic human resource management” refers to human resources that are incorporated into an organization’s overall business plan in order to boost productivity and profitability. Truss & Gratton (2014) assert that SHRM places a premium on activities that differentiate the organization from its competitors.

Employment relationship

The employment relations between the company and its employees have been one of the most remarkable aspect of SHRM in this context. The relationship has been one that offers the employees the ability to feel the belong to the company by being engaged in decision making process, developments processes and being rewarded in every aspect.

The relationship can be termed as healthy and a positive relationship that is good for the company. In this context, the relationship can be termed healthy given that the social exchange theory is being seen as the one being used in this prospect.

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Social exchange theory; This is one of the most often utilized theories in businesses and organizations. In other words, this theory asserts that individuals form and maintain partnerships in order to maximize their benefits while reducing their expenditures (Kaufman, 2001). The relationship between the employees and employers in the BrewDog company is seen to follow this theory. This goes beyond just a normal relationship to the extent to which the employer offers the employees a 10% profit share which does not depend on neither the position nor the levels they are considered to be associated with the company (Rees & Smith, 2014).

The relationship is a mutual exchange in which the employers give the employees to work to do and the employees work even better to give a better work output and thus the company grows even more in the future. Because of the growth of the company, the management decided that it will offer the employees a better reward, the 10% profit share which will help in motivating the employees to be even more efficient and effective to bring more profit to the company.

Communication and voice

The voice of the employees in the company has been given the chance of being heard through the weekly meetings that help to give the updates on the status of the company (Bryson et al., 2006). The representation of the company is direct one which can also be said to be employee involvement. This is being expressed vividly by the fact that the management allows for all level members to be challenged by certain opinions and decisions from other employees in the same company. This fact has been shown to be emphasized by the fact the company assured everyone that the everyone they are in that together and they don’t operate on top-down strategy.

Performance management

The performance management of BrewDog has been seen to keenly lie on two major theories:

Recruitment and selection: The company recruits its leaders who are have a highly talented mind-set. These leaders through their mind-sets have a way of recruiting the employees who are perfectly suited for their jobs. Also, their talents help them to spot out the strengths and what they are capable of when employed (Rees & Smith, 2014). These are the kinds of employees that BrewDog terms as being passionate on the and determined to work for the company.

The company has a meeting on a regular basis to talk about the performances of the company and employees at large which is an effective SHRM.

Employee relations: The relationship between the employees and the company is not that one that is strained. It is a relationship that is based on growing together. Everyone is supposed to be made aware of the company goals, objectives, mission and vision in case they tend to forget (Mello, 2014). In respect to this, the company helps the members have a common connection like the others with the mission of the company which is very key in making sure no one is left behind when the company is soaring to greater heights.

How to Help

Performance management

Staff performance evaluation

Employee performance evaluations are used to assess an employee’s performance on the job. A comprehensive performance evaluation is frequently done once a year, with follow-ups occurring throughout the year. Performance evaluations should be based on well-defined objectives and metrics.

Compensation strategy

What follows is a well-thought-out compensation strategy for current and potential employees as an organization grows. As a result of the adjustments undertaken, employee satisfaction will increase. reward and recognition systems that are meant to push people to perform at their best. It is necessary to attain both internal and external equity. reduce attrition and improve staff retention.

Communication and voice

Transparency in communication is a need for any business. If one is interested in what executives are up to, one may read their blogs and follow them on social media. As a consequence, increased trust and alignment with the organization’s mission and values.

Inquire as to the staff’s true beliefs. According to a Deloitte research, accessible venues for candid employee feedback, even when it is negative, can help employees develop a feeling of the organization’s authenticity (Mello, 2014). Allow workers to openly communicate their opinions and ideas in a dedicated Feedback Centre without fear of repercussions. Respond to employee feedback and demonstrate that one is paying attention.

Encourage the development of new narratives. Employees should be encouraged to share key corporate stories. Apart from being an excellent medium for people to share their knowledge and experience, blogs give insight into the workforce’s motivations, ambitions, and fears (McMahan et al., 2017).

Give the employees what they want, and they will be content. The most valuable asset a business can have is an engaged staff. Profitability and productivity of a business are likely to increase as a result of their hard work, innovative thinking, and outstanding results.

Employment relationship

Employee flexibility

Rather of requiring employees to conform to a tight schedule that may or may not fit their unique work style, flexible work practices enable them to be active during their most productive hours. The ability to recruit and retain top personnel is highly dependent on whether or not you allow for flexible scheduling. This is because the majority of professionals are aware of their most productive hours.

Fair treatment

Assuring that the employee’s unique demands and rights are satisfied is a critical component of delivering fair treatment. Distinguishing between equitable and fair treatment can be challenging. While not everyone has the same right to the same amount of respect and regard as their co-workers, those who are treated fairly do. To ensure that firms hire correctly, they must ensure that all employees get fair treatment at work (Boselie, 2014). It is vital for a business to establish a reputation for fairness and equality while simultaneously developing an inclusive and cooperative culture. Additionally, every business should take pride in ensuring that its employees feel appreciated and secure at work.

Enabling career development and progression

Developing skills in the short term is the most effective strategy to develop employees’ career. Career development strategy may involve the acquisition of a hard talent such as programming or a soft skill such as excellent listening. Career progression increases employee excitement and productivity. Investing in the professional development of employees enables organizations to attract and retain top talent. Human resource management concept requires that employees’ career development and advancement be encouraged.

Human resources are crucial to an organization’s long-term performance in Strategic HRM. Firms that place a premium on strategic human resource management frequently have a human resources representative in the boardroom or give advice and feedback to top executives.

Despite their opinion that it is a sound concept, they have difficulty putting it into reality. It is difficult for strategic human resource management to translate the organization’s goals and values into actionable strategies for the human resources department.

Part 2

Design for the selection event

  • Application

Candidates may apply after the job advertisement is made public. Because of these factors, it is hard to anticipate how many people will apply for a job. Employers may use Textio to enhance their job ads by evaluating the data in their resumes and using machine learning to guarantee that their content precisely matches what they’re looking for in a candidate. Having a certificate in social media marketing might be one of the selection criteria.

  • Screening

This second step is where the screening process begins. This can happen in a variety of ways. Resume screening assists in determining whether or not an applicant fulfils the qualifications for the employment. If a 5+ years of employment experience is needed and learn that a college graduate applied, one may simply dismiss them. If there is an uncertainty to do the screening manually, there are a number of options available to help, ranging from built-in screening features in an ATS to artificial intelligence-powered screening tools.

  • Interview

The job interview is the most visible and well-known stage in the funnel. A job interview is a meeting between an applicant and a member of management or a recruiter to determine whether or not the candidate is a good match for the position. During an interview, it is good to learn a bit about a person’s communication skills and interpersonal talents. During this period, candidates may be asked questions about their possible employment, and a sales pitch may be made.

  • Evaluation

We briefly discussed assessments in the second phase. Although the overall evaluation is more accurate, pre-selection, or screening, is occasionally used to weed out the most undesirable candidates (although pre-employment assessments can be very accurate too nowadays). When used appropriately, it has the potential to be a very exact and dependable approach of choosing the best candidates.

  • References and background

The massive list of possible workers has now been reduced to a reasonable amount of one to three candidates. The reference check is critical. Reference checks might be used to confirm perception of the candidate. Follow up on the references provided by the applicant. If any doubts about a candidate’s talents or credentials during the interview, checking their references is an excellent way to obtain further information from a range of sources.

  • Decision

The next step is to make a choice and choose the best candidate for the future of the organization. This may need employing someone who is less qualified right now but has a long-term commitment to the organization. The most effective technique for reaching this decision is to use a data-driven strategy. In practice, this means that each application is rated based on a set of established criteria. The best qualified candidate is then chosen and given an offer.

  • Contract and employment opportunity

Even when a business has made a decision, the selection process is not finished. The candidate must still accept the offer. The employer should have all of the information it requires to persuade the candidate to accept the position at this point. This was noticed during the phone screening and interview. The candidate is then informed of the offer. If the offer is accepted, a contract is drawn up and signed. The recruiting process will not be completed until all parties involved sign the employment contract.

Selection criteria

The requirements that must be satisfied in order for an applicant to be considered for a post are referred to as selection criteria. They provide a consistent framework and point of reference to make the process of picking the most qualified personnel much easier (Boselie, 2014).

Legal Grounding

It is prudent to obey the boss’s commands. Self-awareness is beneficial for recognizing and resolving difficulties.


One must be able to generate novel ideas. What are the newest technologies, platforms, and trends in the company? Too many people recycle what has already worked. Maintaining the status quo is sometimes the prudent course of action, but beware being trapped in a rut.

Social Media Savvy

Given that the business uses social media. one should be familiar with the major platforms and their commercial applications. Who is your target market? Without them, I’m lost. How do they gain access? Instagram and Pinterest are comparable in many ways; which is better for your business? Finally, do you have any idea where it could appear? Apart from the previously stated marketing tools, social media analytics may be tracked using a variety of technologies.


A high sense of curiosity will assist those who can adapt and prosper in a fast-changing corporate environment. As a youngster, did one appreciate acquiring new talents and jobs? Another possibility is to ask, “How does this work?” Tell me how you confronted the obstacle head-on.

Performance management and reward

BrewDog’s reward system is based on profit related payments. This is as a result of the company making profits and thus the employees are rewarded about 10% of the profits so that they can share amongst them. It is a form of financial bonuses which is offered to the employees directly.

Also, another form of reward by the company is BrewDog non-financial rewards system. this comes in form of the healthy business environment in which the employees are allowed job autonomy, and career development by the company.

It is critical to have a compensation structure in place to keep employees engaged and enthusiastic about their work. When employees get incentives like as a raise or public recognition, they are more driven to perform at their best. Additionally, this will help attract new employees, minimizing the need to hire and train new employees.

Workers who take ownership of their job are more likely to stay and achieve superior results. Enhancing employee engagement is critical for increasing productivity and maximizing return on investment (Bryson et al., 2006). When done properly, performance management is a crucial tool for maintaining employee motivation and happiness. Continuous performance management fosters an ongoing discussion and a culture of trust, support, and encouragement. Additionally, it contributes to the building of a link between the firm’s employees and the company itself. They are more inclined to interact with the firm if they believe their boss and the business are invested in their success.

Employee relations, communication and reward

BrewDog’s employee relations are superb. It enables everyone to voice their ideas on significant matters. Employees exercise total control over how the business is run. Each month, the business distributed newsletters to all workers, soliciting their input and ideas.


It enables the exploration of new areas of innovation. Humans are intricate animals with enthralling origin tales. Each of our life experiences is unique. No one else on the earth is identical to us in every aspect. This degree of distinctiveness inspires a diverse spectrum of creative efforts. A job may be done with effective communication in the workplace, and innovation can be focused into the areas that require it.

Effective communication in the workplace can result in the generation of new ideas. Human communication is unique in that it involves the exchange of data. It’s as if we’re sponges, constantly taking up knowledge and influence from others around us. When passed down through generations, it has the potential to have a long-lasting effect. Because a fresh pair of eyes may spot knowledge gaps that others have missed, workplace communication may stimulate innovation (Arrowsmith & Parker, 2013).

It helps bridge the divide between two or more persons or organizations. Even if only temporarily, communication enables one individual or group to put themselves in the shoes of another. As a consequence of the dialogue, each participant may receive a fresh perspective on the subject. This type of shared experience has the ability to enhance one’s perspective while also bringing people closer together.

However, this sort of communication and free expression has the potential to create estrangement between persons. While communication might help individuals become closer, it can also cause a schism in their relationships. However, there is such a thing as being completely candid. By classifying someone as an ineffective employee, no amount of truth-telling can drive them to improve their performance. If we are not careful about what we say in the workplace, we risk creating a schism.

Part 3

Managing and retaining the best possible personnel is important to a business’s success in today’s increasingly competitive market. If we have a well-managed workforce, we will be able to hire the best and brightest people (Arrowsmith & Parker, 2013). People Successful management techniques will result in a rise in staff morale, which will result in greater productivity and performance. It can assist the business or organization in achieving its objectives by maximizing the utilization of the combined talents and abilities of its workers.

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The importance of different theories is very important in managing the HR very well. To accomplish its objectives, a business’s human resources should be carefully managed to ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page. This increases the likelihood of the business prospering. ‘ Consider a business as a race car, with each component representing a department. The ultimate goal of the race car is to finish first. If all of the components are in good condition, the race will go much more smoothly. Race cars might fall behind if their tires are deflated, their brakes are old, or their engine timing is incorrect.

When compared to a race car, SHRM is comparable to the technicians and pit crew that work relentlessly to ensure the car crosses the finish line first. The organizational effectiveness and interdepartmental collaboration of a human resources department are critical factors in determining how SHRM is used. After determining what needs to change in order to improve, they seek for employees that possess the optimal combination of abilities and competences to make it happen (Azmi, 2019).


Arrowsmith, J., & Parker, J. (2013). The meaning of ‘employee engagement’ for the values and roles of the HRM function. The International Journal of Human Resource Management24(14), 2692-2712.

Azmi, F. T. (2019). Concept of strategic human resource management. Strategic Human Resource Management, 3-38.

Boselie, P. (2014). EBOOK: Strategic human resource management: A balanced approach. McGraw Hill.

Bryson, A., Charlwood, A., & Forth, J. (2006). Worker voice, managerial response and labour productivity: An empirical investigation. Industrial Relations Journal37(5), 438-455.

Kaufman, B. E. (2001). The theory and practice of strategic HRM and participative management. Human Resource Management Review11(4), 505-533.

McMahan, G. C., Bell, M. P., & Virick, M. (2017). Strategic human resource management: Employee involvement, diversity, and international issues. International Human Resource Management, 353-374.

Mello, J. A. (2014). Strategic human resource management. Cengage Learning.

Rees, G., & Smith, P. (2014). Strategic human resource management: An international perspective. SAGE.

Truss, C., & Gratton, L. (2014). Strategic human resource management: A conceptual approach. The International Journal of Human Resource Management5(3), 663-686.

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