A critical discussion of the genetic contributions to the aetiology of autism.
‘Genetic contributions’ refers a branch of biology that deals with heredity and how much of a disorder is determined by genes. Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder, characterised by impaired communication, imagination and socialisation. Leo Kanner (1943) first claimed that the characteristics of the children he studied were attributable to their parent’s lack of warmth[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEGlobal power: Is the influence of the United States in decline?
‘The global power and influence of the United States is in decline and will be matched by other rising powers.’ Discuss. This question will be discussed from two points of view: the first is represented by the declinists who argue that the position of the US as a global hegemon is now in jeopardy and[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThreats to energy security in Western Europe
Recent developments in the discussion between Russia and the Energy Charter Secretariat indicate that there is a growing consensus that the market is not sufficient to ensure energy security. Discuss Introduction Since the Cold War, the relationship between the EU and Russia with regards to energy has been beset by insecurity and has evolved into[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEReturns to Education: An approach.
Abstract This essay shows the estimates of the rates of return to education for a sample of working-age men using the basic Mincerian equation while controlling the likely endogeneity of education. The results show a 39.2% difference between the estimates of returns to education of the ordinary least square regression and the instrumental variables regression.[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEWhat do the Books of Richard III Reveal of the Religious Life of the King and his Immediate Circle?
The short reign of King Richard III in England (1483-5) was both violent and enigmatic. Richard is accused by later historians of the murders of Henry VI and his son, Edward, in 1471; of being an accomplice in the political mechanisms that led to the execution of his brother George, Duke of Clarence in 1478;[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLENon-executive directors and how they protect the interests of shareholders
COMPANY LAW ESSAY “You have been invited to give a lecture to a group of institutional investment managers on the role and responsibilities of non-executive directors in public companies in the United Kingdom. The title of the lecture is: “Non-executive directors in the UK, their responsibilities and the extent to which they protect the interests[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEPerformance Modelling and Evaluation of a Wireless Cellular Network of Voice Calls
1.0 Introduction This coursework analysed wireless cellular network calls. This consisted of three wireless cells: a delay station, one queuing station with one server and another queuing station with three servers. The performance parameters for the exponential open queuing networks and open GE-type network were obtained and the impact of the square coefficient of variation[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEHedging, Acquisitions, and Managing Risk and the Chinese Market
Hedging by non-financial means or internal hedging is simple to use and cost effective. This type of hedging could minimise exposure to foreign exchange risks and can be applied irrespective of changes in the market. Internal hedging techniques may include leading and lagging the exchange transactions, local currency invoicing, a natural hedge, currency diversification, currency[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEDilemmas of Nuclear Nonproliferation.
“Thinking about Strategy and Security” Literature Review Topic: Arms Control and Disarmament The issue of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is critical today as the ability to split the atom may be possible not only for the so-called rogue states, namely Iran and North Korea, but also for terrorist groups. Opinions vary on how to prevent[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe Positive and Negative Impact of Economic Globalisation
Introduction Long ago, in the era of Pangea, there was one single land mass and each point was reachable without having to cross oceans. There were no geographic boundaries. Then the world became increasingly separated. Until the great conquests of America and distant continents, the world consisted of separate entities. Over time, our world has[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEA financial appraisal of AMCOR Ltd and Silgan Holdings Inc.
Summary This report considers AMCOR Ltd and Silgan Holdings Inc. It focuses on the qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of the business and considers some financial aspects. The main company under consideration is AMCOR Ltd and Silgan Holdings Inc. is considered to be a close competitor of the company. Both the companies operate in[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLECritically examine the UK government’s ‘Health is Global’ strategy document.
Due to permeable borders and an unrivalled frequency of travel and migration, health has become coupled with national security. Governments have recognized the detrimental impact that foreign health crises may have. According to its strategy document, the UK seeks to tackle health and security in five different areas. These are: ‘Better health security Stronger, fairer[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEStrategic Options for a Tourism Organisation
Introduction Tourism is the temporary short-term movement of people to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work (Holloway, 1987: 2–3). Hospitality is the receptive and proactive participation of entities that facilitate such movement. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council’s report, there are 277 million jobs in the tourism and hospitality[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLECritically evaluate the contribution of God images to the psychology of religion.
In both theology and psychology, there is an established idea that each person has an internal image of God. In Judaeo-Christian thought, the concept of the image of God has its roots in Old Testament scripture which describes humans as being created in the image of God. This has played an important role in theology[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEExplain and discuss the importance of the House of Lords’ judgment in Salomon v. Salomon & co. [1897] in developing the principle of separate corporate personality and the exceptions to that principle in UK Company Law.
The landmark case of Salomon v A. Salomon and Company [1897] A.C. 22 saw the House of Lords firmly uphold the principle of separate corporate personality which has been the starting point for any discussion on the topic ever since. Mr Salomon controlled a boot-making business as a sole trader. He incorporated a company called[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe Best and Worst Aspects of ISO 14001
Introduction The concept of corporate environmental management is generally conceptualised in terms of sustainable development. This means that an organisation must consider the implications of its business decisions and activities from an economic, social and environmental perspective (Edgeman & Hensler, 2001). To this end, businesses around the world are adopting existing standardized Environmental Management Systems[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEAn analysis of Lawrence’s use of literary techniques in Lady Chatterley’s Lover
I might as well try to clip my own nose into shape with scissors. The book bleeds. D.H. Lawrence. Early attempts to publish and disseminate Lady Chatterley’s Lover (1928) were shrouded in secrecy. The first edition was published privately in Florence at just a thousand copies; British censors would ban an unexpurgated version for the[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEPrimary External Factors Affecting Ryanair
Introduction The European airline business is competitive as the region has many players and attracts a huge customer base (Campisi, et al., 2010). The high costs of air travel has seen the battle of skies skyrocket with the entrance of budget airlines. Ryanair, an Irish airline, markets itself as a low cost and short-haul airline[...]