Service Delivery for Cancer Patients
Summary This assignment is written from the point of view of a bowel cancer project manager for one of the cancer networks in England. It gives a systems review of the service provided to bowel cancer patients and makes recommendations for improvements in quality, with a project plan to demonstrate the process for making changes.[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEAn Overview of the Surf Tourism Industry and Its Impacts
Introduction The structure of this literature review is twofold. Firstly, insights into adventure tourism will be presented in order to provide readers with a broader picture of the industry. Secondly, surf tourism and its impacts will be discussed, where the impacts are divided into ecological, economic and social. Adventure Tourism ‘The magic of space is[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEA Dialogic Perspective on Music Sampling
Sampling, since its emergence in popular music in the 1970s, presents somewhat of a grey area in terms of authorship. Although its ubiquity in present day music indicates wide spread acceptance of sampling as a compositional technique, the question of who is responsible for creating what is still very much open. This essay does not[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLELongitudinal waves and the mass-spring system
Introduction The mass-spring system is a simple but powerful model that provides insight into waves and their propagation. In particular, the equations describing the system can be simplified using elementary techniques and, in the appropriate limit, the wave equation can be found. Following identification of the wave equation, the form that waves can take is[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe Recession and its Impact on the Automotive Industry in the UK
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The automotive industry is recognised as the engine room of Europe and its economy. Europe provides the opportunity and freedom for the competitive and innovative automobile industry to flourish. As the figures indicate, there were more than 3000 businesses related to the automotive industry with an overall manufacturing workforce of 180,000 and[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEELGIN PHARMACEUTICAL: Strategy for Hiring Childcare Workers
INTRODUCTION While many organizations are facing great difficulty in attracting and retaining competent employees due to skilled-labour shortages (Lievens et al., 2002), Elgin Pharmaceutical (EP) has been proactive in the knowledge-intensive pharmaceutical industry. Having chosen to follow the high road in its HRM practices, the company is considered to be ‘an employer of choice’. The[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEDeveloping Effective Graphic Communications
Graphic communications fall into the broad class of non-verbal communications. The processes associated with the development of graphic communications involve the interpretation of data and exchange of information through the use of well arranged and structured elements, symbols, depictions and illustrations (Oladumiyte, 2014). To develop effective graphic communications, a high level of clarity, coherence, consistency[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEMarketing strategies case study – SABIC
Introduction:- SABIC a world leading manufacturer of petrochemical products has been proven to be successful in spite of the recession1. Headquartered in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia and with branches worldwide, SABIC was founded in 1976 with an aim to develop world class petrochemical products from its petroleum resources. Initially being the 10th largest petrochemical producer[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEAn intervention to determine the benefit of larval-source management for on-going control programmes in Kampala, Uganda.
INTRODUCTION Malaria is still one of the leading causes of death in sub-Saharan Africa but there have been several advances in its control (WHO 2013). Figure 1: Malaria endemicity in Uganda. (PMI, Uganda 2013) The figure above shows the malaria endemicity in Uganda, where 90 per cent of the population is at risk of malaria.[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEEmployee satisfaction with the performance appraisal system in Sainsbury’s, UK
Abstract This paper is based on an empirical study of the performance appraisal system of one of the UK’s top retail super market, Sainsbury. The data will be collected from the employees of Sainsbury’s using quantitative methods. Survey questionnaire research strategy will be implemented in order to collect the primary data from employees. Regression analysis[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEDynamic Causal Modelling as an Effective Connectivity Measurement Method
Introduction In recent years, the idea of functional and effective connectivity measurement of the brain has attracted much attention. Our brain is an interconnected network. The interaction between brain regions is fundamental to brain function and this interaction can be quantified by brain connectivity measurement methods. Brain connectivity usually refers to three basic terms: structural,[...]
Abstract Pressure on freshwater resources and increasing pollution to the environment as a result of inefficient sewer systems has led to the emergence of innovative water management strategies. One such strategy is wastewater recycling in the form of household greywater reuse (GWR). While previous literature offers insight into potential benefits of GWR, it has generally[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEA discussion of regulatory reform in the OTC derivatives market
The 2008 financial crisis made policymakers and legislators around the globe deeply concerned about the complexity and opacity of the OTC derivatives markets. The major impact of the OTC derivatives on the global economy is beyond any doubt. Their volumes are staggering and keep growing every year. This paper argues that the recent regulatory reform[...]
The object of this essay question is whether there is a conflict between the statements of Roche J. in Portsmouth Steamship v Liverpool & Glasgow Salvage[1]_ and The Hill Harmony[2]. To start with, both statements were made in the same field of application − that is to say, the duties of the Master to comply[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEEvaluate the role of Alternative Development as a policy to combat illegal drug production
‘We totally reject drug trafficking. But drug trafficking exists because of the demand for drugs. We agree to help fight drug trafficking, but help us to find markets for alternative products.’ Farmer Leader, Yungas, Bolivia UNODC Alternative Development: A Global Thematic Evaluation (2005) Several policies have been adopted to combat illegal drug production. It has[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEBiosensors and Analytical Techniques
Introduction Protein expression is an essential part of proteomics– the field of science that determines the presence and quantity of protein in a cell or tissue. Protein expression is commonly carried out in bacteria, yeast, viral, insect or mammalian cells, depending on the kind of protein and the intended application. The oldest expression systems are[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLERace, Masculinity, Class: Re-evaluating 1960s British ActionAdventure Television.
Introduction Between 1955 and 1982 the Incorporated Television Company (ITC) was responsible for some of the most financially successful and popular television programmes of the period. ITC was set up in 1954 by the media proprietor, Lew Grade. Grade’s intention was ‘to bid for one of the new British commercial television franchises’ (Bould, 2005, p.93).[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEChildren’s Science Publications in the 19th Century: their purpose and impact
Discuss examples of science published for children in the nineteenth century. Why was it published and what effect did it have on its readers? Everything that is published is the product of an agenda. This may be explicit or implicit, intentional or unintentional but due to the characteristic of print and publication, it is an[...]