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Below you will find links to a selection of pieces completed by our writers. Please note that these papers were written over a period of several years and therefore contain information that may not be current. If you wish to use material from any of our samples, please ensure that you quote and reference anything you copy.


Strategic Analysis of Bloomberg: SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces & Value Chain



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank

A critical evaluation of methods used to assess implicit and explicit prejudice.
There is a claim that people can be implicitly (unconsciously) prejudiced. Critically evaluate the evidence for this claim. Prejudice is a generally negative attitude toward an outgroup (Brendl et al., 2001). It is an unconscious attitude and can develop either through direct experience or by social learning (Dovidio et al., 2001). It influences feelings, thoughts[...]
A critical evaluation of the role of a deputy head teacher
The duties of a deputy head teacher are important in the day-to-day leadership and management of the school. ‘Leadership is leaders inducing followers to act for certain goals that represent the values and motivations – of both leaders and followers.’ (Burns, cited in Cooper and Argyris, 1998: 355). This quote indicates that leadership is largely[...]
The use of videos as a teaching and learning tool in teaching Biology
Introduction This component 3 assessment is separated into five major parts: the first part will give an analysis of the research findings. The second section will review the literature in component two and how it relates to the analysis of my research findings. The third part will be a critical assessment of the theory and[...]
Exploring the relationship between paranormal beliefs and thinking style.
Abstract This study examined the relationships between paranormal beliefs and gender and thinking styles. London-based university students majoring in psychology (N = 158) filled in two questionnaires: the Rational-Experiential Inventory 40 and the Revised Paranormal Belief Scale. The results showed that intuitive thinking was positively correlated to paranormal beliefs, and rational thinking was negatively correlated[...]
An interpretation of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, with specific reference to its violation.
Question Under the (fictitious) Mental Health Act 2009, patients in mental hospitals are only allowed to take legal action against hospital employees if they first obtain leave of the court. At Happy Place Mental Hospital there is a disturbance in which Andy (a patient) is hit over the head with chair by Bob (a diabetic[...]
Consensual Relationship Agreements as a Defence against the Employer’s Vicarious Liability in Sexual Harassment Cases
A survey of 1,000 professionals conducted by the Harvard Business School revealed that 94 per cent of them worked at least 50 hours a week, while almost half worked for more than 65 hours.[1] It was believed that the advent of modern technology would reduce the number of working hours, but the evidence points to[...]
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Multi-sited ethnography in STS: Capturing global complexities and the role of the researcher.
Introduction In this paper I review and examine how Science and Technology Studies (STS) (Hackett et al., 2008; Jasanoff et al., 2001) draw on and influence the method of ethnography.​ The question I ask is: how can STS ethnographies capture the complexity of global connections? To answer this question I will introduce the main ethnographic[...]
How can one establish whether law exists in all societies?
Law and the trouble with defining law. Law as a concept has proved famously difficult to define, one because its definitions are often circular and two, because each successive definition improves upon or negates assumptions made by previous definitions. Today, the concept of law is more important than ever, with increasing globalisation and merging of[...]
Provocation on television talk shows: A representation of Jeremy Kyle’s uncut envelope.
Introduction “TV bully Jeremy Kyle got the message when a man threw an envelope back. The offended presenter should remember – don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.” Voice of the Mirror (9th October 2010) The foregoing is arguably the boldest piece of critical reaction that can be found in the media following[...]
A review of the impact of genomic selection with SNPs on animal breeding
Abstract The purpose of this report was to assess the effect of genomic selection (GS) on the animal breeding industry. The report discusses the molecular theory behind the technology, the advances which facilitated its development and the key features which make it desirable to the animal breeding industry. The report focuses on the impact GS[...]
Best practice recommendations for the handling of landfill gas produced from landfill sites (2009).
This work makes recommendations for the best practical options for the treatment and utilisation of landfill gas produced at landfill-waste treatment facilities in Leeds. The production of landfill gas is evaluated over the lifetime of the landfill site and design recommendations are provided in order to sustainably recover, treat and utilise the landfill gas as[...]
Developing understanding and knowledge of numbers and calculation in young children.
Mathematics Task 3: Developing knowledge and understanding of numbers and calculation in young children The early learning goal for numbers (DfE, 2014: 1) is that: Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and[...]
Generations, characteristics of generations and marketing
INTRODUCTION: The given task in the Marketing Future’s 1 module is to classify the generations and characteristics of generations and relate to generational marketing in terms of post-modern marketing and to discuss the characteristic of consumer tribes and relate this in terms of post-modern marketing. In order to do so, many theoretical concepts and approaches[...]
Linking literacy with mathematics in teaching
Introduction Throughout my teaching career, I have endeavoured to be a reflective practitioner who considers all attributes of my practice. Ellis (2012) emphasises the importance of the generality of teachers reflecting. Dadds (2009) extends this argument further, although the benefits of this seem to be constrained merely to theory and research. Weick and Sutcliffe (2001)[...]
Is leadership a transformational process or is it a form of control?
Discussions and theories of leadership tend to emphasise vision, inspiration and motivation. We would learn more about leadership if we focused on people’s psychological need for control. Organisations cannot exist without some form of structure and control. People in organisations are largely controlled by their own adherence to structures. Leaders can either reinforce the significance[...]
A multi-centre study of the risk factors and the impact of endometriosis on health-related quality of life: A pilot study
Background and aims A pilot study (also known as a feasibility study) is a small-scale study designed to test logistics and gather information prior to a larger study, in order to improve the latter’s quality and efficiency (Lancaster 2004). The GSWH pilot study was carried out between the first week of July and 8 August[...]
Why was the mechanical philosophy so widely adopted in the seventeenth century?
The mechanical philosophy is perhaps the core element of the Scientific Revolution. Its adoption was dependent on the ideas encompassed by it to be accepted. In this essay I will describe the main facets of the mechanical philosophy and then discuss why it was taken up to the extent it was in the seventeenth century.[...]
Post-Eighth Amendment Irish Abortion Politics
Conclusion – Post-Eighth Amendment Irish Abortion Politics This thesis has illustrated the exceptional nature of the conflict and policy making process that has developed in Irish politics and society since the insertion into the Irish Constitution in 1983 of the Eighth or Pro-Life Amendment or Article 40.3.3. The amendment obliges the Irish state to guarantee[...]
The role of assessment centres in personnel selection
Critically evaluate the contribution of Assessment Centres to the development of the psychological contract between newcomer employees and the organization. Also compare and contrast different views that selection methods solely perform ‘predictivist objectives’ versus the view that selection methods can also serve the development of a ‘viable psychological contract’ between the individual and the organization.[...]
The legality of US drone strikes against terrorists in Pakistan and Yemen according to international law.
Introduction The US drone programme has its roots in the Vietnam War when the Pentagon tested unmanned and unarmed aerial vehicles for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions[1]. After the 9/11 terror attacks, the incumbent President of the US, George W. Bush, ordered US drones equipped with missiles to seek and kill Al Qaeda leaders[2], setting[...]
To what extent can it be argued that the acidification of soils in humid temperate regions is the product of natural soil development as opposed to land-use practice?
Introduction Acidification of soils is caused by the leaching and otherwise removal of cations (e.g. Ca and Mg) at a rate faster than can be supplied by the weathering of the parent material. Leaching most often occurs where precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration, and includes the temperate regions of north-western Europe, where soils have been subject to[...]
European Court of Human Rights; the margin of appreciation doctrine
‘Some would argue that the margin of appreciation doctrine developed by the European Court of Human Rights reflects an unjustifiably deferential stance by that Court to State Parties. However, the reality is that the Court of Human Rights has adopted a consistently activist approach when interpreting the European Convention on Human Rights, extending the scope[...]
The Maize seeds doctrine: a discussion of the rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Introduction The Maize Seeds doctrine was developed from the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (‘CJEU’) in the case of Nungesser KG v Commission of the European Communities[1] (hereafter, Maize Seeds case). It addressed the issues of exclusive licenses and territorial protection grants to licensees. The doctrine distinguished between open exclusive[...]
Techniques Used For Understanding Users
Abstract Techniques used to gather information about users, their tasks and to study their environment consist, among others, of contextual inquiry, interviews, questionnaires, surveys and observation. In this report we look at contextual inquiry and interviews. Contextual inquiry entails observing and interviewing users in their work place. It follows four principles, namely context, partnership, interpretation[...]
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