An Industry Analysis: Wave Power Technology
Executive Summary Wave energy is renewable energy that generates electricity from the wind blown by the rise and fall of waves. The UK has tremendous resources and the technology is developing rapidly. The University Research Group has developed a new type of turbine that generates electricity using wave power technology and is considering starting a[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEOther types of actor now qualify as subjects of international law apart from sovereign states – discuss.
“At the beginning of the twenty first century it is no longer true to say that the international legal order is primarily concerned with the activities and legal relations of sovereign states, other types of actor now qualify also as subjects of international law. Explain and discuss this statement by identifying the new subjects of[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLE‘There are two kinds of journalism’ – a discussion
‘There are two kinds of journalism. There is the journalism that is trying to tell the truth and there is the journalism that treats the news as show business.’ (Max Hastings). Do you agree? Discuss on the basis of the literature read so far. Introduction “A gifted man who isn’t interested in money is very[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEProgress on workplace equality is impossible without considering the powerful and deeply implicit assumptions that privilege certain organisational players.
Progress on workplace equality is impossible without considering the powerful and deeply implicit assumptions that privilege certain organisational players. Introduction. The current economic crisis may seem to be a financial one on the surface. But behind the rhetoric of credit crunch, speculative bubble and stock market slump, something more fundamental is hiding. Certainly, as a[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLELow Carbon Footprint
Introduction A carbon footprint is the overall amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with a process or product. This entails, where possible, full life cycle analysis, for example extraction of materials, process of production, transport to site, and possibly in-use and disposal. Across these areas emissions usually result from[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe ‘Three R’s’ of Animal Experimentation – Addressing Animal Welfare Through Good Science
Animal laboratory studies have been proven useful in biological knowledge acquisition (Hanson et al., 1976) and as experimental analogies or precursors to human testing (Kitamura et al., 1978; Gomez et al., 2002). Their latter use has been of great significance to both human medicine, e.g. surgical and pharmaceutical treatment, and human testing/monitoring, e.g. physiological and[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLECorporate governance systems worldwide.
Discuss the view that the corporate governance systems worldwide are inevitably converging towards a model based on shareholder primacy and dispersed ownership. The past decade has seen a rapid development in corporate governance systems worldwide. The result of disastrous corporate scandals has been hitting effective corporate governance systems worldwide, from Anglo-Saxon countries like USA and[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEImportance of NR2A and NR2B subunit NMDARs in LTP and LTD
Introduction Acting as a glutamate-gated ion channels N-methyl D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) play an important role in excitatory synaptic transmission. They are widely expressed in the central nervous system and have a key role in synaptic plasticity. NMDAR channels, if blocked, result in the inhibition of cellular mechanisms like long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD)[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLERisk Management and Basel III
Introduction Organisations are exposed to risks of various kinds that require careful identification, assessment and response. Risks in today’s volatile environment, if not managed effectively, can have devastating effects on an organisation. Entities such as banks are exposed to several types of risks which are described as follows. Discussion Interest Rate Risk Definition Fluctuating interest[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLELiterature review – Measuring service quality – SERVQUAL and SERVPERF
The purpose of this review is to consider both current and past literature concerning the main concept areas associated with the study in question and also to provide some rationale for conducting the study. The literature review will focus on critically analysing tools which have been used in the past to measure service quality such[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEAn analysis of technological drivers in IT infrastructure.
1. Introduction: The evolution of information technologies had mixed impacts on the business world, which helped increase opportunities for organisations and helped them gain more customers with good potential (Winston, 2012). One of the biggest benefits of the information technology was in the management of the information inside and outside the organisation. In short, newly[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLE‘Critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the current legal provisions relating to a variation of shareholders’ class rights.’
Shareholder Class Rights The Companies Act 2006[1] (CA 2006) replaced Companies Act 1985[2] and it provides a significant amount of protection for shareholders. The main features of a share include a right to dividends which are declared on the shares, a right to vote at general meetings (unless the share is non-voting), rights of membership[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLECSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policies and practices
RESEARCH PROPOSAL – To what extent does the academic view of CSR compare with its practical application in private sector organisations? Introduction The objective of the study is to determine the correspondence between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies and practices reported in the academic literature, with the documented practices of a group of multinational organisations.[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLETrust in Virtual Organisations
Introduction This research looks at various forms of trust and how trust can be developed within virtual organisations. Background The rapid development of information technology over the last decade (Holland & Lockett, 1999) and the increase in the number of online communities (Ridings, Gefen & Arinze, 2002) has driven down business coordination costs by promoting[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEDid short selling in the stock market strengthen recent market volatility?
Introduction Several factors, it has been claimed, have aggravated the current volatility in the markets. These factors include the discounted price of money, which led to an excessive flow of money in the market, the failure to correctly price assets that were traded and correctly assess the ability of borrowers (or mortgage owners) to pay[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEHow Might We Define ‘Citizenship’ within the European context?
Introduction The primary meaning of the concept of citizenship is closely linked with nationality. But over time the meaning of citizenship has changed. Mobility of people around the world and the effects of the capitalist economy have significantly reshaped the concept of citizenship. The global capitalist economy creates global opportunities, which is why more people[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEOral proficiency in a second language is entirely determined by the age at which the second language was learnt. Discuss
This essay addresses the question of whether the age at which a second language (L2) is acquired constitutes the only factor which accounts for oral proficiency accuracy in L2. The first part of the essay refers to the preponderance of age over other variables in language acquisition studies, and explains the most referenced theory: the[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEIodine in the Air: origin, transformation and exchange to mammals
Abstract As part of its bio-geochemical cycle, the injection of iodine-containing gases into the atmosphere and their subsequent chemical transformation therein, play a crucial role in environmental and health aspects associated with iodine – most importantly, in determining the quantity of the element available to the mammalian diet. This review focuses on these processes and[...]