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Below you will find links to a selection of pieces completed by our writers. Please note that these papers were written over a period of several years and therefore contain information that may not be current. If you wish to use material from any of our samples, please ensure that you quote and reference anything you copy.


Strategic Analysis of Bloomberg: SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces & Value Chain



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank

A discussion of Sewell’s remarks on environmental managers
Nearly four decades ago Sewell (1975) is reported to have remarked that environmental managers “should be able to manipulate both social institutions and appropriate technology but must do so with the sensitivity of an artist, the insights of a poet and perhaps, the moral purity and determination of a religious zealot”. In the following sections[...]
Management report/business plan for reducing CT scan waiting lists.
Executive summary Imaging technology platforms are essential for healthcare institutions and practices. Computerised (or computed) tomography (CT) represents an important imaging method that numerous physicians refer their patients to, in order to obtain valuable diagnostic data. Hospitals that offer CT scan services to outpatients, can expect a significant financial benefit. On the other hand, there[...]
Exploring groups and their dynamics
Introduction 1.1 The importance of groups This thesis seeks to examine groups and their dynamics. These are important to us for a number of reasons, as often we spend much of our time in groups at work, with family or socially and the dynamics of these affect each and every one of these actions. This[...]
Body Defence against Ringworm (Tinea)
Introduction Ringworm, or tinea, is a fungal disease that affects the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin of humans and animals. ‘Ringworm’ is an historic term which was given by early scientists as they considered the causative agents to be worms and because of the characteristic ring-shaped lesions formed on affected skin or scalps.[...]
Cooperative Learning – Critical Review of Literature
Literature review Introduction Mahatma Gandhi stated, “If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children” (Crowe & Wertz, 2007, p. 2). The CooperativeLearningCenter at the University of Minnesota stressed the importance of positive conflict[...]
Keeping dominoes out of politics
There have been few greater threats to the public good in modern history than a government’s unquestioned use of an ideology or theory. Whether this has been segregation in the United States, apartheid in South Africa, National Socialism in Nazi Germany, Stalinism in the USSR or fundamentalist Islam, misused ideologies have brought unimaginable suffering to[...]
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Strategy, Competition and Sustainability
Introduction This business report is divided into two main sections to achieve the learning outcomes of the assignment brief. The report will make use of academic models as frameworks and implement them on the organisations in question. Where possible, feasible recommendations will be provided. The purpose of the first section is to summarise the strategic[...]
Application of Good Electromagnetic Compatibility Design Rules for the System.
Introduction With the emerging technologies and increased complex and complicated electronic systems the subject of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) commands much of the attention of designers. The environment for which these complex electronic systems are designed and implemented is getting tougher to deal with because of the presence of high frequency radio transmitters and the power[...]
Direct Velocity, Direct and Compensated Acceleration Feedback Control Systems in Mitigation of Low-frequency floor Vibrations
A Comparison of Direct Velocity, Direct and Compensated Acceleration Feedback Control Systems in Mitigation of Low-frequency Floor Vibrations NOMENCLATURE X Displacement vector (n×1) K Stiffness matrix (n×n) (N/m) Velocity vector (n×1) k Modal stiffness (N/m) Acceleration vector (n×1) ζn Modal damping ratio F Force vector (n×1) ωn Natural modal frequency (rad/s) M Mass matrix (n×n)[...]
To What Extent Does the ‘New Wars’ Thesis Capture the Changing Nature of Contemporary Warfare?
It is important to define and categorise wars because this can facilitate a break down and analysis of them; which in turn is a step closer to understanding them. Once understood, one can work on strategies to prevent them. This is why the establishment of a ‘new wars’ thesis is important; it allows us to[...]
A proposed approach to the reduction of running costs in the local government authority
Section 1: Aims and Objectives of the Project Aims of the Local Government Authority: To obtain significant reductions in the running costs by taking advantage of options such as either offshoring or outsourcing some of its operations or retaining the current staff and reducing the running costs by enabling staff to work from home. Goals[...]
International Marketing
Introduction The world is becoming more and more competitive and complicated. This is evident in every sector and organisations cannot survive this tough competition if they concentrate on a single area. To remain competitive and in order to survive, grow and expand its operations, an organisation should cross international borders. Entering the international market is[...]
Why does, and why should the law recognise some workers as employees and not others, and what is the effect of such recognition or lack of it?
New patterns of flexible non-standard working characterised by a trinity of ‘casualisation, externalisation and informalisation1’ have superseded the 1950s-1980s’ Fordist notion of the ‘standard employee2’ which was ‘the conceptual foundation on which post-war risk sharing institutions and social insurance were built.’3 It is clear that with the rise in atypical forms of working – and[...]
A business analysis of Tesco, including SWOT, PESTLE and Porter’s Five Forces
The world of retail has a number of leading brands and Tesco occupies the pride of place as one of the top retailers. It operates 2,318 stores and employs around 3,26,000 people. Tesco UK has the largest market share and operates under four brands – Extra, Superstore, Metro and Express. Own label products are based[...]
Employment Futures in Silicon Valley
PART 1 Research and Evidence: With increasing technological advancement and developments taking place, the industry mix of Silicon Valley has evolved. In recent years there has been a shift in employment share from hardware industries to software industries as well as in the evolving patterns of venture capital investment. In the last five years there[...]
A study of consumer behaviour in Germany and the implications for the development of an international marketing strategy for UK fashion retailers
Research context A by-product of globalisation is the emergence of global brands competing for global market dominance. An ever growing number of brands are expanding by entering and trying to establish themselves in foreign countries. In order to succeed, the development of an appropriate marketing strategy is a vital, if not the most important component.[...]
Customer relationship management and complaint handling – Norwich Union
Introduction Customer Relationship Management, like all the other marketing faculties, is created to achieve one of the most important objectives of creating competitive advantage. Now Vargo and Lusch (2007) argue that ‘the only true source of sustainable competitive advantage is knowledge’. Further they also suggest that organisations can no longer rely on ‘competing through service’[...]
An analysis of risk on investing $10m in high grade corporate bonds
Set-up As a portfolio manager at Goldman Sachs Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities (FICC) division, I was given 10 million USD to invest in a mix of high grade corporate bonds and Treasury securities. The following bonds have been chosen with careful analysis of markets and past performance of these particular securities. The choice also[...]
A paper reviewing the production of optically active pharmaceutical compounds
Molecules that are non-super imposable mirror images of one another are termed as chiral. These are a pair of enantiomers and are diasymmetric as well as optically active. Since they promote optical rotation, these enantiomers are also known as optical isomers. These chiral molecules consist of a tetrahedral carbon atom, which is attached to four[...]
What are the Challenges facing the Risk and Insurance Sector?
The challenges facing the risk and insurance sector should be set against the background of the past decade and a half. One phrase that could describe this period is ‘sweeping change’. Some of the features of this period that pose challenges to the risk and insurance sector are financial deregulation, the new markets that have[...]
A Paired report on PeerDB and PIER Systems.
Summary PeerDB is a distributed data sharing system that distinguishes itself from the traditional P2P database systems by providing data management facilities like content-based searching. Various distributed systems today need a system that will enable them to share their data (and resources) in spite of their differing individual schema. Different groups of people like groups[...]
Study on AS and transcription factor mRNA levels in leukaemic patient samples
INTRODUCTION The anti-tumour activity of L-asparaginase has been known for decades and the drug has been used systematically in the treatment of ALL. Justification of its use as an anti-leukaemic drug was based on the fact that leukaemic cells exhibit reduced AS activity in comparison with normal cells. These particular cells are entirely dependent on[...]
Impediments to Attracting Knowledge-Based FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) To Sri Lanka
ABSTRACT Knowledge-Based Industries (KBIs) play a dominant role in the economic development of both developed and developing countries. In particular, they have been significant in generating economic growth, diversifying the industrial sector and improving industrial competitiveness. Therefore, many countries attempt to foster KBIs via the attraction of knowledge-based foreign direct investment (FDI). KBIs are considered[...]
How much does Information Infrastructure investing matter for firms?
Abstract Does Information Infrastructure (II) of an organisation refer to the tangible technical artefacts possessed by it? Or does it mean the way an organisation uses its intellectual capital to leverage from technology? This is an ongoing debate from which many interesting ideas evolve. There is no way in which the true nature of the[...]
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