Recent advances in the treatment of advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
Summary Globally, lung cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer and the most common cause of death from cancer. Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for around 80% of all lung cancers, with the majority of newly diagnosed patients with NSCLC having advanced disease. Standard cytotoxic chemotherapy improves survival and quality of life in advanced[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEMarketing in the fragrance industry
Executive Summary The global fragrance industry was worth $28.9 billion in 2008 and is forecasted to grow 3.20% by 2013. With Western Europe and the US market in the maturity stage it is essential to move to growth markets such as Asia, Africa and South America. The intense competition and rapidly changing consumer demands equates[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEPublic Laws vs Private Laws.
The United States and all other nations have their own systems of enacting laws for governing. However, there are numerous categories of laws and different laws are enacted for different purposes. Two types are public laws and private laws. This paper addresses the similarities and differences between these types of laws and their advantages and[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe enigma of marketing strategies is that as one of man’s oldest activities it is regarded as the most recent of the business disciplines (Baker M. J. (1976)
According to the Chartered Institute of Marketing, marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably ( It follows therefore that the success and profit margin of any company depends to a very large extent on how much importance it attaches to marketing its products and services. In the present[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLE“The rich get richer and the poor get prison”. Discuss how the criminal justice system deals differently with crimes committed by the powerful and the powerless.
Reiman’s statement “the rich get richer and the poor get prison” implies a disparity in the way that the rich and the poor are treated throughout the criminal justice system. Indeed, an analysis of the available literature on crime shows that even at the point of constructing the meaning of ‘deviance’, the poor are more[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEServices in Post-Industrial Societies
In last three decades the service sector has grown in Europe at a rapid pace. According to Euromonitor reports, between 1970 and 1997 around half a million new jobs per year were created in the service sector in Europe. Gronroose (1984) suggests that more and more countries are becoming post-industrial societies and service economies. A[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEA clinical overview of Doxorubicin hydrochloride
INTRODUCTION Doxorubicin is a cytotoxic anthracycline antibiotic. Doxorubicin can be used in single treatment or can be integrated in a combination therapy and is indicated for the treatment of various cancers such as: breast, lung, bladder, thyroid, gastric and ovarian carcinomas, osteosarcomas and soft tissue sarcomas, Wilms’ tumours, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas, neuroblastomas and acute[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEA critical evaluation of the DVM and the CAPM.
Q-1 Critically evaluate the Dividend Valuation Model (DVM) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and using the models estimate the values of your chosen company. Critically compare the estimated price with the current market price and comment on what may be a fair offer for the shares of your chosen company and state your[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEImpact of E-commerce on the Airline Industry
Introduction E-commerce is defined as the purchase or exchange of goods and services over the Internet, between individual consumers, businesses or other organisations. It started out in the 1970’s as an industry standard called EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) which was a structured way of exchanging data between companies, mainly to simplify purchasing and supply procedures.[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe Impact of Olives and Agriculture Factors in Early Bronze Age Mediterranean.
Agriculture, olives, and wine are core factors in understanding the past as they are integral to the social changes initiated through transitions in settlements, landscape, and human productivity during the Bronze Age. The transitions from Lithic ages to the Bronze Age are due to an array of human, ecological, agricultural, and innovative factors that interlink,[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLECanary Wharf – Should valuers also take into account the real options Canary Wharf holds on its properties held for development, which may lift the figures in assessment?
Canary Wharf case analysis – valuer assessment and market capitalisation. Canary Wharf case analysis – valuer assessment and market capitalisation: AN INTRODUCTION 1. Situation Brief After the successful initial public offering in April 1999, Mr Johnson, CFO of Canary Wharf, was worried about the large difference between the book value of its properties from the[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEModulation of T Cell response with Dendritic Cells.
Introduction An adaptive immune response is induced when an infection overwhelms the innate defence mechanism. On antigen recognition, the naive T cells differentiate into several functional classes of effector T cells that are specialised in different activities. The major histocomapatibility complex (MHC) presents the pathogen peptide. Depending on the pathogen peptide presented by the MHC,[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEFactors that influence health and health chances
Identify the major cultural and socio-economic factors that influence health and health chances of individuals and the implications for nursing practice. The health chances of any individual are the accumulative factors which determine the overall morbidity profile of that person. They begin at the moment of conception with the determination of the genetic make-up of[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe analysis of quality control as a process
Abstract This report documents the analysis of quality control as a process. Firstly, a clear description of the process is provided, indicating any interface to other relevant processes, records and documentation. It is shown that processes ought to interrelate within an organisation to produce the most efficient products whether they be goods, software or services.[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEBenefit-Sharing of Genetic Resources: A Critical Analysis of Traditional Knowledge Protection vis-a-vis IPRs.
INTRODUCTION It would perhaps not be an exaggeration were one to say that the ever-increasing urgency to strike that elusive balance between promoting global economic development on the one hand, and simultaneously preserve the fast eroding biological and cultural diversity of the planet on the other, is probably one of the trickiest questions of our[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEContractual indemnity in Oil and Gas Contracts
The Oil and Gas industry is a peculiar one. “Several aspects of the industry, e.g., the capital-intensive nature of the industry, market price volatility, geographic scope of assets and operations, the high-risk nature of exploration and exploitation of natural resources, technology requirements, environmental concerns, downstream brand promotion and protection issues, political sensitivities, scale and diversity[...]
ABSTRACT In the world we are in today, it has become a general belief that effective business strategies will always proffer business solutions in order to meet organisational objectives; however the advent of Information Technology (IT) being infused into business has made IT strategically important in business organisations. Lately, there has been a need for[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEHandling and Managing Commercial Projects and Contracts in the Second Decade of the 21st Century.
Introduction Contract and commercial issues that develop before, during or after a project has been successfully completed can make or break an organisation involved in such a project. Unless the issues are addressed, the company can be severely affected or be forced out of business. Hence, corporations should always seek to improve their contract and[...]