Planning Law and Environmental Impact Assessment (LAW 8047)
QUESTION “The purely procedural and narrow view of Environmental Impact Assessment…represents a simplistic view of the instrument that has to some extent been overtaken by a recognition of its broader functions, particularly those which reflect environmental governance strategies of participation and social learning” (Holder). Discuss, including in your discussion an appraisal of the extent to[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLESupply Chain Management – The Agile Supply Chain
1.1 Introduction Seeking a solution to increase the responsiveness of supply chain in a volatile market place, the agile concept has gained a lot of attention recently. In the first section of this report, current market conditions have been reviewed briefly to show the need for more flexibility and responsiveness. In the second section, the[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe influence of the media on men’s body image and the effects on their health
There is an increasing concern regarding men’s health in the Western world (Smith & Robertson, 2008). Although men have higher rates of morbidity and mortality than women, they are less likely to seek medical care (Gannon et al., 2004). Connell (1995) has drawn on the social construction of hegemonic masculinity to justify such gender differences[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEHealth Psychology Baseline Comparison Theory.
This paper examines government initiatives to improve the health of the population. The application of scientific research within the field of health psychology is discussed in relation to these government initiatives. In particular, the need to address diseases of lifestyle via the application of such research is highlighted in terms of costs to the NHS.[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEManaging successful change within organisations.
Introduction Globalisation has internationalised the marketplace. Companies are facing an increasingly competitive environment. Pressures come not just from within the industry but also from within the country (or countries) in which they operate. Change is inevitable and any attempt to preserve the status quo will end in disenchantment and maybe even disillusionment. It is the[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEDescribe what is meant by the liquidity trap. Discuss the problems posed by the liquidity trap and the optimal ways to escape from it.
Definition of a Liquidity Trap John Maynard Keynes introduced the concept of a liquidity trap. During the Great Depression in the 1930’s in the US, Keynes found that the economic stimulators did not have the necessary effects. A liquidity trap is a situation characterised by low or zero interest rates which fail to stimulate consumer[...]
When a fluid flows past a bluff body (such as a circular cylinder) in a direction which is perpendicular to the axis of the body, boundary layers develop around the body. At a low Reynolds number, the fluid just flows past the body. However as the Reynolds number increases, the vortices tend to separate from[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEDescribe the concept of microencapsulation. What methods have been used to encapsulate labile bioactive food ingredients so that they are able to be absorbed in the gut?
Microencapsulation involves completely enveloping ingredients in a protective coating. Microcapsules are defined as being of a size between 0.2-5000 µm (Barbosa-Cánovas et al, 2005, p200). The ingredients within the coating are often labile; that is unstable and liable to change. These changes can be caused physically and chemically; for example by interactions with other chemicals[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEAcquisitions as a Growth Strategy
Introduction This paper examines acquisition as a growth strategy. Based on a case study of Newell Rubbermaid’s consistent, acquisition-led, growth strategy, the paper goes on to show with other examples how inorganic growth strategy is increasingly emerging as an imperative for achieving rapid growth in the new millennium. According to Sherman and Hart (2006), inorganic[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEAn analysis of the cost system of Apple Plc
Introduction Apple Plc is a confectionary company involved in the production of candy bars, chews and other sweets. The company currently uses traditional accounting techniques for its operations; however this has resulted in costing and pricing issues, which has created a level of friction between managers of the firm. This report analyses the operations of[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEA review the theory of disruptive technologies
Introduction The theory of disruptive technologies has been widely studied as part of innovation theory. Incorporating research in product and process innovation as well as in techno-economic analysis of technology markets, disruptive technologies have gained a considerable amount of interest in technology organisations. Generally, a disruptive technology has been perceived as one that introduces superior[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEArgument and Persuasion: A Comparison of ‘Macbeth’ and ‘A Doll’s House’
The purpose of this essay is to explain how and why two characters from ‘ Macbeth’ and ‘ A Doll’s House’ succeeded in persuading their spouses to see their points of view. Further, t he dynamics of how two particular scenes could be staged to achieve maximum effect will be considered. The two scenes in[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLETo develop and evaluate the effectiveness of nutrition and physical education (toolkit) materials to address childhood obesity among school age children (6-9 years old) in primary schools in UAE
Summary: Childhood obesity has emerged as global public health problem. Evidence for this growing health hazard has been reported in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Previous investigations have suggested the importance of nutrition education in the early years to tackle this public health concern. The aim of this project was to develop a nutritional education[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEAn analysis of system dynamics (SD) modelling.
SYSTEM DYNAMICS MODELLING 1. INTRODUCTION System Dynamics (SD) is known to help in clarifying mental models, thus making mental process easier when exploring both quantitative and qualitative aspects of a problem. However, is the system dynamic approach to problem solving the ideal way to aid decision making? The primary aim of this essay is, therefore,[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEComparative Study of Human Resource Management Practices in Japan and USA
Managing their human resources effectively is always a key concern for organisations as it is something that has a direct impact on the bottom line. The discipline of HRM (Human Resources Management) has therefore been of great interest to practitioners and scholars all over the world. Distinct HRM practices are often found in different countries[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEThe Structures of the Medial Temporal Lobes and their Contribution to Memory Processing
The neuropsychology of human memory has evolved steadily over the last fifty years, and dramatically within the last decade. This essay focuses on the structures of the medial temporal lobes and how they contribute to memory processing. In 1957, the profound effects of bilateral medial temporal lobe resection on memory were described in a patient[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEAn evaluation of a computer programme to aid users in determining investors’ Value at Risk of their portfolios.
1. Abstract Value at Risk (VaR) is the worst possible loss in an investment in a reasonable bound. VaR is widely used for educational purposes and mostly for industrial purposes. Almost every investor is concerned about the question of what is the maximum that can be lost in an investment. VaR tries to give an[...]
VIEW THIS SAMPLEDebating Madness: Ophelia and the theorists.
Published in 1632 Robert Burton’s ‘The Anatomy of Melancholy,’ places the term ‘melancholy’ as an umbrella for any number of mind ‘disorders’ including lovesickness and religious melancholy. To the seventeenth century mind, therefore, melancholy or madness indicated a number of variable conditions that overlapped and caused a change in the normal personality of the sufferer.[...]