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Below you will find links to a selection of pieces completed by our writers. Please note that these papers were written over a period of several years and therefore contain information that may not be current. If you wish to use material from any of our samples, please ensure that you quote and reference anything you copy.


Strategic Analysis of Bloomberg: SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces & Value Chain



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank

Critically examine the distinguishing features of Human Resource Management in a developing country of your choice – CHINA
1 Introduction Human Resource Management is increasingly becoming an important and critical issue for organisations operating in developing countries. The proper management of human capital can create an enduring competitive advantage for organisations, as this resource is impossible for other organisations to replicate. This essay examines the different factors which influence the management of human[...]
Relationships between lumbar spine bone mineral density, energy status biomarkers and sex steroid hormones in male endurance athletes.
Abstract Aims: Low bone mineral density (BMD) has been identified in male endurance athletes with some reports of negative associations with training volume. However, the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain unclear. Recent research indicates that energy status and oestrogen (E2) can influence skeletal health. This study investigated relationships between biomarkers of energy availability, sex steroid concentrations[...]
The present day role of non-executive directors in a single-tier board.
The role of non-executive directors was forced to change due to several large scale corporate governance failings. Solomon (2010) suggests that ‘deficiencies in the non-executive director role within financial institutions have been seen to contribute to the current global crises’. Crombie (2009) suggests that it is due to independent directors not being aggressive enough in[...]
To what extent has psychological theory informed our understanding of response to loss and or/adjustment to dying?
Abstract This essay aims to highlight some of the main approaches in psychological theory that have contributed to our understanding of grief, loss and adjustment associated with death, dying and bereavement. Some of the main models that have influenced the work on this subject have been outlined briefly and then examined with respect to existing[...]
A discussion of the importance of BRIC nations in the current world
The origin of BRIC The world economy has changed a lot during the past fifty years. The changes in the world economy in the next fifty years could be as dramatic as the last fifty. Many of the changes in the next few decades are expected to come from the emerging markets, as opposed to[...]
LPS and its signalling receptors
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) LPS is made up of three main regions known as the O-antigen, the core region, and lipid A (Dunn et al., 1991) (figure 1). The O-antigen consists of repeating polysaccharide subunits that are specific for each bacterium, and thus determines its identity. The core region of LPS to which the O-antigen is attached,[...]
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A discussion on Cystic Fibrosis, pathologies and monogenic diseases – Festive City
Section 1: Imagine that you had to give a lecture on the pathogenesis of Cystic Fibrosis. Produce a short but comprehensive summary of the lecture. Do not go into therapy etc. Pathogenesis of Cystic Fibrosis (CF): Cystic Fibrosis, an inherited disease (autosomal recessive) usually involves disruption of the exocrine function of the pancreas but also[...]
Critically examine the evidence which may claim that there has been a worldwide long-term decline in Fordist and Taylorist production systems.
Introduction Manufacturing in industrialised countries has been dominated for a significant part of the twentieth century by what are now known as Fordist and Taylorist production systems. In a response to economic and market changes there was an increase in the use of alternative Japanese production methods accompanied by a fall in manufacturing in the[...]
Does motivating employees lead to successful people management?
1.0 Research Topic Motivating employees for greater work performance and productivity has gained increased importance as a measure of successful people management. Mullins (1985) stressed that in order to enhance the work of an organisation, director and managers should focus on the motivational level of its employees. Dingley (1986) said “Motivation is important – even[...]
Phenomenological and Social Psychoanalytic Approaches to the Self
How we define ‘self’ is one of the questions in social psychology that is not only of interest to the practitioners themselves, but is also central to everyone on a more personal level. Even when we do not directly contemplate the meaning and how we have come to define ‘self’, we are nonetheless in the[...]
Is Clostridium difficile under-diagnosed in the community?
Background Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) causes mild to severe diarrhoea which can lead to life threatening conditions such as pseudomembraneous colitis. Clostridium difficile infection is generally characterised by prior hospitalisation, prior antibiotics usage, older age and co-morbidities. Clostridium difficile causes outbreaks in hospital which maybe as a result of the community being a reservoir for[...]
The potential positive and negative effects of fiscal stimulus in light of the UK’s fragile economic recovery.
The UK’s emergence from recession has been said to be a “fragile recovery”, bringing fiscal policy under great scrutiny as economists analyse how to strengthen and quicken the pace of our recovery. During a recession, there is a direct effect of a decreased spending from consumers who have lost their jobs or have become more[...]
An investigation into controlling access to personal location data.
INTRODUCTION Technological advances have made the collection and storing of data relating to the location of individuals more widespread. It is now possible to track the movements of individuals using the data stored as the result of everyday activities, e.g. mobile phone use, Internet access etc. Applications are currently in use for the deliberate use[...]
‘Beijing Consensus’ and its Impact on the Changing Landscape of ODA (Official Development Assistance).
Introduction Since the early 1990s, China has drawn the attention of the international community to its increasing participation in foreign aid. As China does not belong to the group of traditional aid donors, generally known as the Organ isation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), it has operated its aid programme largely independently from the[...]
What the Law Says When Starting an eCommerce Business (Contracts)
Set your mind back the first time you heard of an ‘Online eCommerce Business’. Were you asking ‘What is online business? How does it work? Is it safe?’ and so on. These days all industries, from retail to travel, logistics to agriculture, are wired one way or another. Take for example the success of[...]
Customer relationship management and the service sector, looking specifically at hotels
Introduction 1.1 Background Customer Relationship Management has extreme relevance and application in the service sector and hotels continually asses and try to improve their CRM programmes to improve their service for customers and generate repeat business. Word of mouth marketing, online marketing and promotional offers, can add as much value as paid-for advertising, adding positively[...]
Perceptions of Security in e-Commerce with Particular Reference to the use of Smart Cards.
Abstract Over the years, organisations have looked for more convenient and safer ways of carrying out their business activities. When smart cards were introduced, an opportunity was provided for organisations to have a more effective and consistent method for payment and verification of transactions. However, sellers need an assured payment for goods and services, while[...]
The use of the harmonic analysis method for analysing tidal levels.
INTRODUCTION Equilibrium Theory of the tides was the first attempt to describe tidal phenomena. Significant tide-producing forces on earth are caused by the relative configuration and motions of the earth-moon-sun system. Harmonic analysis is another way by which tides can be analysed. Since the tide is composed of various constituents that interact at the same[...]
Essay on defamation and plagiarism
Introduction Bryony Lavery’s ‘Frozen’ was first staged at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre in 1998. Had it remained a low-key production performed at a regional English theatre it may have avoided the controversy that accompanied it. However, following the TMA award for Best New Play and a run at the National Theatre in London, ‘Frozen’ transferred[...]
The path to corporate responsibility – understanding the spirit of corporate social responsibility
Ten years ago, discussions were focused on environment and social impacts and sustainable development. From environment and social responsibility, we have now moved to sustainable growth. Although an increasing number of global companies have come to recognise that corporate responsibility goes beyond the ‘good corporate citizenship’ and is a matter for strategic debate. But still[...]
Serum protein electrophoresis in clinical medicine
Introduction Serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP) is a process of separating serum proteins according to molecular size and charge, by placing a sample of serum onto agarose gel and applying an electric current. The resulting bands allow classification of serum protein into five different groups: albumin, α1-globulins, α2-globulins, β-globulins and γ-globulins (see figure 1). By analysing[...]
Why does conflict occur, and what can be done to prevent or solve it? Critically discuss two conflicting theories.
“The usual pattern seems to be that people give non-violence two weeks to solve their problem… and then decide it has ‘failed’. Then they go on with violence for the next hundred years… and it seems never to ‘fail’ and be rejected.” –Theodore Roszak Introduction Why does conflict occur, and what can be done to[...]
A study of Square-Enix’ success and AAA Triangle Analysis
SQUARE-ENIX’ SUCCESS AND AAA TRIANGLE ANALYSIS Square-Enix Co. Ltd. is a merger of Square Co. Ltd. and Enix Corporation, which are two competitors in the Japanese computer game software industry. They develop computer game software for Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony Computer Entertainment and follow a framework called ‘polymorphic content’ (Square-Enix Annual Report 2004) where original[...]
Electron transfer theory
Electron / hole transfer process on electrode In general the electrolyte can be a reducing agent: solution injecting electron to the electrode, and oxidising agent: solution extracting electron from the electrode. Also holes can be captured instead of electron injection or holes can be injected instead of extracting electron as this two charge carrier interchangeable[...]
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