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Below you will find links to a selection of pieces completed by our writers. Please note that these papers were written over a period of several years and therefore contain information that may not be current. If you wish to use material from any of our samples, please ensure that you quote and reference anything you copy.


Strategic Analysis of Bloomberg: SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces & Value Chain



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank

Impact Legislation has had on Higher Education Providers Relating to the Disability Discrimination Act – DDA (1995) Part 4?
Introduction The main aim of this research proposal is to investigate and evaluate the impact and effect that Part 4 of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) (1995) has on higher education providers for the purpose of determining to what extent they have been affected by the legislation. If to a medium extent, it will be[...]
A report is on the theory of writing a research proposal
ABSTRACT This report is on the theory of writing a research proposal. In this report, an evaluation was done by analysing and comparing information articles from the internet and books written by renowned writers and authors to obtain an efficient way of writing a research proposal. INTRODUCTION This report is on the theory of writing[...]
Focus on the Learner – English as a Foreign Language: Student Case Study
Focus on the Learner Student Case Study Section A: The student as a person and as a language learner The student and his previous language learning experiences The student is a male student from Turkey who has been attending Pre-intermediate English classes for three months. He is 30 years of age and has been in[...]
Critically explore the care context in which social work operates, demonstrating an understanding of sociological and social policy concepts, drawing on examples from practice.
This assignment examines the ‘care / control dilemma’ at the core of Youth Justice practice. It examines the effects of recent changes in legislation and the political context in which these changes took place. The welfare versus justice argument is well versed and in preparation for this assignment I found that there was a wealth[...]
The conceptual difficulties experienced by students taking Marketing at A Level.
The essay will discuss: (1) the importance of integrated thinking and how marketing strategy is vital for the motivation of students; (2) how the subject can be made relevant with the use of case-study material. The use of study skills, in relation to marketing, will be considered; (3) the correct focus of answers; (4) an[...]
A discussion of organisational culture and the corporate culture at Ryanair
Executive summary This report is based on secondary data research about Ryanair. It is consists of five chapters. The introduction emphasises the need for understanding organisational culture. The research aim to analyse Ryanair’s corporate culture is stated and the rational for research is briefly discussed. The second chapter, Literature review, introduces three cultural models (Edgar[...]
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Drought, salinity and genes in rice.
1.0 Introduction The chief crop that occupies the chiefly small holder landscape (less than 2 hectares in area) of Asia, with a cumulative area of ~ 130 million hectares, is rice (Oryza sativa). Smallholder farms are primarily found in dry climatic conditions where the cropping cycles are partially or fully dependent on the availability of[...]
Peatlands and carbon storage
Global distribution of peatlands The extent of global peatland coverage has been estimated in the range of 3,880 x 103 to 4,080 x 103 km2 by Maltby and Immirzi (1993), although they acknowledge that this is likely an underestimate and as such an estimate by Bridgham et al. (1996) of 5,961 x 103 km2 is[...]
The discovery of possible threats, a policy for mobile phone use and measures to prevent industrial espionage in the future
Introduction The security of a company’s confidential information is one of great concern for businesses. Their information must be protected and secured. In the past there have been reports quoting issues of information and business secrets leakage within a company. Taking vital issues into consideration, an analysis of the possible threats to a company’s confidential[...]
The need of emergent Strategy in a Changing Environment
Introduction Change, by all means, simultaneously brings about both challenges and opportunities. The business environment has over the past years faced tremendous changes most of which are driven by rapid technological advances, globalisation, e-business and most recently the impact of emerging economies such as China which have led to a shift in the global ‘economic[...]
Designing of a New Bio-waste Management System for a City in England
1.0 INTRODUCTION Directive 99/31/CE, the regulations governing the landfilling of bio-waste, dictate that in future years there needs to be a sharp reduction in the volume of biodegradable materials going to landfill. The main aim is to effectively reduce the production of methane, known for its high global warming potential, at landfill sites and to[...]
Moldova–Transdniester Conflict (1992 – Present)
(, 2008) OVERVIEW of the CONFLICT Moldova proclaimed its independence from the USSR on 27 August 1991. However, prior to this internal conflict had begun to emerge and between May and July 1992, a full-scale localised war took place between the Moldovan government and the secessionist Moldovan region of Transdniester. Sporadic, heavy fighting continued until[...]
Function of steroidal androgens in humans and regulation of their biosynthesis during early foetal development.
Steroid secretion is an essential part of human physiology. Steroids are involved in a number of different important processes, such as inflammation (Critchley et al., 1999; Maia and Casoy, 2008), control of circulating volume (Stewart, 2008) and psychological well-being (Weber, 1998), as well as having critical significance in aspects of human sexual development (Geissler et[...]
What does Durkheim’s study suicide tell us about the role of social theory in his work more generally?
The French sociologist Emile Durkheim is often regarded as the founder of modern sociological thought. Although the actual discipline sociology was in fact established before Durkheim’s birth, in the words of one commentator he, “gave it academic credibility and influence” (Thompson, 1982; p. 11). As such, his theoretical findings and assertions continue to have considerable[...]
A critical analysis of tail docking in dogs and its effects upon dogs’ behaviour and communication
Introduction Canis familiaris, or the domestic dog, is believed to be the world’s oldest domesticated species. One of the most widely held theories is that it is descended and evolved from Canis lupus, the wolf, around 14,000 years ago (Clutton Brook, 1995). Like its ancestors, the domestic dog is an extremely sociable, pack animal, but[...]
Nitric Oxide in Mediated Relaxations in CCK-stimulated Gallbladder Strips.
Response of gallbladder strips to CCK-8 The application of CCK-8 to gallbladder strips confirmed that CCK-8 initiates the contraction of gallbladder smooth muscle and that this process is concentration-dependent (Ryan 1981). All the doses of CCK-8, from10-0.05 nM, 100.5 nM, 101.0 nM, 101.5 nM, 102.0 nM to 102.5 nM elicited a contractile response. In each[...]
Children’s development during infancy and childhood: a socio-cultural perspective.
Introduction. Researchers’ attempts to explain the complex issues of child development have produced a number of different theories, competing opinions and beliefs. Much of the debate has centred on whether emergent cognitive and communication skills are inherent or environmentally shaped. A socially-oriented perspective gives the idea of child development being solely a psychological, cognitive, individual[...]
An analysis of the grammatical choices made to establish and maintain the communicative role of the texts.
FUNCTIONAL GRAMMAR: PART 2: Discussion of extracts. 1.1 Introduction. Extracts 1 and 2 are articles about ankylosing spondylitis (AS), a chronic form of back pain. Extract 1 has been written for a website by a sufferer of the condition. His aim is to inform and offer help to other sufferers whilst advertising a booklet on[...]
Women’s health behaviour & cervical screening
Four of the most widely used SCMs, namely the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT, Rogers 1975), the Health Belief Model (HBM, Rosenstock, 1974), the Transtheoretical Model (TTM, DiClemente, 1993) and the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA, Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975)/Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB, Ajzen & Madden, 1986) have ben employed in the area of preventative[...]
Are optic ataxia and visual form agnosia complementary parts of a double dissociation, or just two different neuropsychological disorders?
Introduction Dissociation, hence abandonment of the monolithic view of visual processing, was primarily proposed by Schneider in 1969. Subsequently, Ungerleider & Mishkin (1982) distinguished between the differing processing strategies of instead, two proposed streams, as being associated with appreciation of object qualities, and location. Although influential, this model was superseded by Milner & Goodale (1992,[...]
Cirque Du Soleil’s approach to global staffing.
What is Cirque Du Soleil’s approach to global staffing and how does this reflect its cultural values? Cirque Du Soleil is not only a transnational company, it is also what can be described as a blue ocean company. Cirque has created value in the area of entertainment by offering something that has not been offered[...]
PESTEL & SWOT analyses of FFCL (Fauji Fertilizer Co Ltd)
SWOT is the acronym for the internal strengths and weaknesses of a firm and the environmental opportunities and threats facing the firm. SWOT analysis is a technique that is easy to use for managers to get a quick overview of a business’s strategic position. (Cathy H.C. Hsu, 2001) Limitations: A SWOT analysis may overemphasise internal[...]
Formula One constructor attributes – a case study
What resources, capabilities and attributes do F1 constructors require? Introduction The Formula One World Championship was started in 1951 by private sportspersons. Today, Formula One is the world’s biggest motor sports event and is arguably the second most popular sport in the world. It consists of ten teams, with two cars each, contesting a 17-race[...]
National identity, in terms of socio-political structures
With detailed reference to Moolaadé (Ousmane Sembene, 2004) and Kandahar (Mohsen Makhmalbaf, 2002), discuss the notion of national identity, in terms of the following contexts: Socio-political structures; Aesthetic forms. National identity is a common concern in modern narrative, and is increasingly integrated within individual national cinematic depictions. The focus upon this topic does not arise[...]
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