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Below you will find links to a selection of pieces completed by our writers. Please note that these papers were written over a period of several years and therefore contain information that may not be current. If you wish to use material from any of our samples, please ensure that you quote and reference anything you copy.


Strategic Analysis of Bloomberg: SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces & Value Chain



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank

A discussion of the purpose and styles of university lectures
The purpose of lectures Lectures are a critical part of a student’s learning experience and so merit our attention. They are the most common method of teaching and disseminating academic information to students and are likely to remain so for many years to come. According to Brown and Manogue (2001), lectures are potentially an economical[...]
Internationalisation of the software industry
INTRODUCTION This part of the report will discuss the international strategies employed by software firms globally. A discussion will follow explaining why several international business strategies are prevalent in the software industry. A preliminary assessment of the software industry will be conducted to find the extent of internationalisation and the history of internationalisation within the[...]
Definitions of morality.
DEFINITIONS a) Morality Much has been written concerning the nature, purpose and content of morality in both the legal and philosophical disciplines1. While extensive disagreement persists, it is largely uncontroversial to accept that the purpose of morality is to guide human behaviour. Morality, in the most general and neutral sense, is a standard of behaviour,[...]
The usefulness of ‘market orientation’ to the success of radical innovation
Introduction New product development is a very risky business. It can be a hit-and-miss affair and a game of winning and losing. Many new products fail (e.g. the Sinclair C5, Sony’s BetaMax, Apple’s Newton and so on) and there is very little chance of success. The risk is particularly high for radical product concepts, which[...]
An inspection of the runoff of an electrochemical grinding process using a constant voltage and a constant feed rate.
Objective The objective of this experiment was to inspect the runoff of an electrochemical grinding process and to examine the results at a constant voltage and a constant feed rate. Utilising the experiment data, it is expected that relevant information concerning the relationship between process parameters, such as feed rate, voltage, current, surface finish and[...]
Project Management Case Studies
1. Introduction This individual reflection report will highlight the key lessons learnt during my experience of working in a group during the Project Management Case Studies module. It will also reflect on various project management attributes that I came across while identifying my case study, lessons learnt from visitor speakers and applying various project management[...]
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An investigation into the potential of Geobacter sulfurreducens to encode transglutaminase and its potential for industry.
Abstract Transglutaminase is a cross-linking enzyme that links proteins to form a covalent bond resistant to proteolytic degradation. In 2009, Janet B. Rollefson found a gene encoding for a putative transglutaminase in Geobacter sulfurreducens, where it was found to be critical for biofilm formation on electrodes in microbial fuel cells. If this enzyme is a[...]
Interprofessional Practice and Team Management
An extract from an assignment for Module: Interprofessional Practice and Team Management (BA Hons Degree in Social Work). The context of this assignment is based on a hypothetical interdisciplinary team operating in a primary care setting. The team comprises GPs, community nurses, occupational therapists, home-care supervisors and social workers/ care managers. Provide an introduction to[...]
Strategic Human Resource Management in Small & Medium Enterprises’s
Introduction Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are very important to all economies and the majority of businesses in the UK fall into this category. According to the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS; formerly known as the Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform, BERR), SMEs accounted for more than half of the employment[...]
The application of the SASTAC model to Mothercare’s marketing plan
Executive Summary In the 21st century, women have become more health conscious and are continuously finding ways to look smart, trendy, slim and maintain their figure. However, most women who are expecting a child or who already have children have difficulty in maintaining the same beautiful shape they once had. The specialist brand retailer, Mothercare,[...]
An analysis of Beattie’s model of health promotion
Beattie’s model of health promotion is a complex analytical model that acknowledges that health promotion is ‘embedded in wider social and cultural practices’ (Wills and Earle 2007, Chapter 5) This model not only gives us the ability to analyse current and previous health promotion strategies and our own roles within that, but also gives us[...]
The Supreme Court versus Strasbourg: Horncastle, Al-Khawaja and Tahery and the Significance for Hearsay Evidence
The past few years have seen much media attention paid to the so-called tension between decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the laws of the United Kingdom. Included in this has been the debate, or dialogue, between the Supreme Court and the Strasbourg Court, over hearsay evidence, and the extent to which[...]
The marketing of kettles: segmentation, targeting And positioning strategies for the Russell Hobbs 13775 kettle.
This report uses marketing theories and models in order to critically analyse the market segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies for the Russell Hobbs 13775 cordless jug kettle. Segmentation, targeting and positioning are important parts of the marketing strategy which help companies to tailor their products better. Figure 1 illustrates best the steps and the connection[...]
EMPOWERMENT – The Need, Barriers, Measures and Implications
INTRODUCTION Helping people grow and achieve their dreams is the fastest route to success; both theirs and yours.” – T. Harv Eker Growth was never an individual prerogative and never will be. The limits of human capabilities still remain undiscovered. How much a person can develop and realise his or her potential is a function[...]
Peace cannot be built on humanitarian intervention – discuss.
The aim of the assignment is to discuss the above claim. Firstly, the essay will begin by defining humanitarian intervention and the newly adopted ‘responsibility to protect’ principle. Secondly, Mahmood Mamdani’s claim, that ‘peace cannot be built on humanitarian intervention, which is the language of big powers’ will be discussed briefly. Thirdly, the assignment will[...]
Corporate Governance and Voluntary Disclosure
INTRODUCTION The importance of corporate governance in voluntary disclosure of information by companies has become more vital. This literature review section will begin by providing an overview of corporate governance and voluntary disclosure followed by listing the reasons for the increasing importance of corporate governance in the voluntary disclosure of information published by organisations. This[...]
If the rule of law imbues a legal system with legality does it also serve the interests of justice?
When we obey laws, in the sense of general abstract rules, laid down irrespective of their application to us, we are not subject to another man’s will and are therefore free.1 I consider a basic question: ‘If the rule of law imbues a legal system with legality does it also serve the interests of justice?’[...]
How does HRM (human resource management) apply to small businesses and start ups?
HRM as a concept is one which is perhaps the most debated in terms of its empirical meaning or form. Keenoy (1999) likens HRM with a hologram, as HRM also changes its appearance as its image is moved around. A shift in the stance of HRM reveals “another facet, a darker depth, a different contour”[...]
The Suitability of Agile Methods in Large Systems
1.0 Introduction Designing and developing information systems involves carefully managing people, processes, tools and technology. It necessitates having a clear understanding of the role each entity plays, and overseeing the relationships between them. The intricacies of designing and developing systems vary, depending on the size of the systems in question. Over the years, software and[...]
Recent Research Developments in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Structure of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) The current diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) require presenting symptoms from each of three clusters: re-experiencing, avoidance and hyperarousal (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000). These clusters were developed based on clinical experience rather than empirical research (Olff, Sijbrandij, Opmeer, Carlier & Gersons, 2009), and since the initial[...]
The Origins of the Second World War: Did Britain and France Miss Opportunities to Draw Hungary into the Allied Camp Prior to 1941?
I. Introduction For well over six decades the origins of the Second World War have remained an enduring topic of debate amongst historians of the twentieth century. Given the legacy of the Second World War, and its status as one of the most iconic and defining moments of the twentieth century, it is for good[...]
Technology Use Phenomena: Exploring the Technology-Society Relationship.
Abstract A common perception is that technological and societal forces are strongly intertwined. The question of which force supersedes the other in determining the use of technology has constantly stirred a huge debate in IS Literature. Despite the increasing call for the unification of the divergent views of technological and social determinism, historians and theorists,[...]
Collective Bargaining Gives Employees a Voice
Collective bargaining gives employees a voice in determining their terms and conditions of employment.’ Is collective bargaining still the dominant trade union method in the UK? Do the alternatives to bargaining satisfy the expression of employee voice?   Chapter 1 1. Introduction Collective bargaining is the method which is used by employees to negotiate and[...]
The significance of impurities in active pharmaceutical ingredients
  1. Introduction The stories of impurities in drugs usually reach the public when a disaster happens – an enantiomeric impurity present in thalidomide (used to treat nausea in pregnant individuals) gained worldwide notoriety in 1962 when its teratogenic effect was discovered. As recently as 2009, at least 25 children died in Bangladesh after taking[...]
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