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Below you will find links to a selection of pieces completed by our writers. Please note that these papers were written over a period of several years and therefore contain information that may not be current. If you wish to use material from any of our samples, please ensure that you quote and reference anything you copy.


Strategic Analysis of Bloomberg: SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces & Value Chain



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank



The Impact of Economic Recession on Customer Loyalty to Bank

The economic impact of Brexit on the UK economy
  This assignment critically evaluates the long-term economic impact of Brexit on the UK. It contends that the short-term economic effects are established as being largely negative due to the uncertainty created, but that the long term impact will be dependent on the views and actions of politicians. This argument is made by using recent[...]
End of Life and Palliative Care for Dementia
  Dementia is a progressive disease for which currently there is no cure. Treatment options are limited to medication aimed at slowing down the cholinergic degeneration that occurs in the brain at the onset of dementia (Roy et al., 2016). However, these treatments are limited and are only used with the small population of those[...]
The Syrian refugee disaster is a result of the Middle East’s failure to grapple with modernity and Europe’s failure to defend its ideals.
This paper debates the extent to which the Syrian refugee disaster can be linked to the Middle East’s inability to subscribe to modernist ideals as well as to an ideological failure from a European perspective. The paper argues against modernist propositions which perceive the perpetuation of a patriarchal and traditional society in the Middle East[...]
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is an emerging medical diagnostics technique that is sensitive to the concentration of oxygen in biological tissue and therefore to the level of functional activity that the tissue exhibits. The most exciting application of this technique is the study of activity patterns in the human brain – there are well-founded[...]
An Examination of Cloud Computing Benefits and Challenges
Introduction Cloud computing is one of the more recent developments in the field of technology. There is some consensus in current literature as to what the term denotes: fundamentally, it is suggested that cloud computing is the realisation of the ability to provide computing as a service. Armbrust et al. (2009) suggest that it is[...]
Project Management Issues in the Construction Industry
Introduction Issues and challenges with regards to construction project management have emerged over the last two decades. Naoum and Egbu (2015) assert that most of these project management issues faced by construction managers may result either directly from construction operations or indirectly from peripheral activities. It is advisable that many of these project management issues be addressed and dealt[...]
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IT and Internet’s Impact on Tourism and Hospitality Industry: Implementations of technologies for Hilton Hotels Group.
I INTRODUCTION Accompanying the technological revolution of the 1990s there are many new opportunities and challenges for the tourism and hospitality industries. Since tourism, global industry information is its life-blood and technology has become fundamental to the ability of the industry to operate effectively and competitively. Poon (1993) suggests that the whole system of information[...]
Social policy and social work; what is the meaning of these terms and how can they be used in order to promote both social change and social control?
Introduction Societies today face several kinds of problems. Issues as complicated as the high rate of criminality or others which may appear easier to deal with such as the traffic congestion in the motorways impose problems which modern societies need to deal with. Hence states form social policies which have measures to follow so as[...]
Differences and similarities between counselling and psychotherapy
Introduction This essay will critically consider the points of similarity and differences between counselling and psychotherapy. After briefly considering what counselling and psychotherapy are, it will firstly outline the broad arguments for the differences between the two and evaluate the validity of these assertions. Then it will look at the points of similarity, again critically[...]
History and reactions to Aviation Terrorism
This essay will present a brief history of aviation terrorism, including the events of Lockerbie and 9/11. It will then look in more depth as what the response of authorities has been to this; and consider what the criticisms have been of these efforts. The first case of hijacking recorded involved a Cathay Pacific flight[...]
Discuss Hedley Bull’s concept of the “anarchical society of states”, central to the ‘English School’ of International Relations. Do you think the concept is relevant in contemporary global politics?
Publication of Hedley Bull’s acclaimed work, The Anarchical Society, in 1977 brought a starkly dissenting voice into IR theory, almost fully monopolised by the realist school. Bull dismissed the realist concept of international politics as a mere power struggle between self-contained units (states) and argued that the states of the world are in fact members[...]
How medical staff can be utilised effectively to provide effective medical care for clinical incidents in the neonatal intensive care unit
Introduction The neonatal intensive care unit is undoubtedly one of the most critical and significant sectors of any nation’s health system. Any possible critical situation involving a neonate automatically translates to a situation or condition which has a high probability of disabling or immediately life-threatening consequences and which requires immediate intervention. It is significant to[...]
Relationship of Creative Advertisement and Integrated Marketing Communication
Introduction This study is about advertising and marketing communication. According to Phillip Kotler (2003, p. 564), marketing communication is associated with giving out facts about a product or service in the way that people will eventually be persuaded to buy or use the promoted item. Advertising is one of the methods that this objective can[...]
Managing Change at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
PURPOSE: This change management report is aimed to reflect the practice of the company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) to cope up with the changing and unstable environment and also to make a recommendation in order to bridge the gap between their practice and the theory. In order to achieve the objectives of this report the change situation[...]
Marketing plan for PlayStation 2 PS2 (Sony)
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The overall purpose of this marketing plan is to increase the sales of PS2. This aim will be met through the fulfillment of the following objectives: Increase awareness of casual customers; Create greater appeal to casual gamers by adjusting marketing mix elements to market requirements, Increase the overall sales of PS2 in[...]
Selective Enforcement of EU Law by the Commission under Articles 226 and 228 EC
The European Commission, as ‘ Guardian of the Treaties ‘ has been given the role of supervising and enforcing the implementation of EU law. Under Article 211 of the EC Treaty i, the Commission has the general, and potentially far reaching power, to ‘ ensure that the provisions of this Treaty and the measures taken by the institutions pursuant[...]
HRM in Marks & Spencer
Introduction In the face of increasing competitive environment organizations have to focus on the value of investments in human resources as a major source of competitive advantage. Although business strategy as a means of competition is common conversation in the executive suite, taking a strategic approach can be especially beneficial for staff functions within companies,[...]
Company Financial Analysis, Tomkins plc.
Introduction Tomkins plc is a global engineering and manufacturing group with market and technical leadership across its three businesses; Industrial & Automotive, Air Systems Components and Engineered & Construction Products (Hemscott Database, 2006). Tomkins is executing a focused growth strategy, targeting three key growth areas: Power Transmission; Aftermarket; and Building Products. The group is geographically[...]
Analysis and Contrast of Dividend Policies of Two Companies over the Last Five Year: BP PLC vs. LogicaCMG PLC
The purpose of the following report is to analyse the dividend policy of Logica PLC and BP PLC over the last five years. Firstly, the dividend policy of BP PLC as well as Logica PLC over the last five years will be analysed. Secondly, based on that analysis, the dividend policies of both companies will[...]
Inclusive learning and adult education
Introduction It is stated in the National Curriculum that inclusion is a matter which needs to be taken seriously by teachers, since it is their major obligation to ensure that every person in a school or college is given equal opportunities and equal rights as others to learn. Each school has the responsibility to provide[...]
The role of Central bank
What are the roles and functions of central banks? Why do they need Economic staff? How far should central banks get involved in data collection and areas such as seasonal adjustment, as well as economic analysis? Introduction Though Central Bank is viewed as one of the primary mechanisms of macroeconomic stabilization there are a number[...]
Do the US and Japan follow the Phillips curve phenomenon?
The relationship between unemployment and inflation, whilst not always predictable, tells us much about the performance of any given economy. a) Using the appropriate model, show how economists seek to understand and explain the relationship between unemployment, inflation and expectations. The economists use the Phillips curve to identify the relationship between unemployment and inflation. It[...]
WLANs (wireless LAN) vs. Cable LAN. Can Wireless LANs replace cables?
Abstract WLANs can replace cables, but the question arises, are we ready for cables to be replaced entirely? The answer is no. The technology driving WLANs is still very much in its development phase as opposed to LANs, which have reached a level of maturity. Clearly the long-term benefits to be achieved through WLANs suggest[...]
India’s Agriculture Sector – Contemporary Developments in Business and Management
Contemporary Developments in Business and Management I INTRODUCTION Agricultural production in India is an important determinant of overall economic growth and a huge employer of the rural populace. Total food grain production, for instance, in 2004/2005 (April-March) amounted to 206.4 million tones, including 87.8 million tones of rice and 73.0 million tones of wheat (Country[...]
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