INTRODUCTION In this paper, the challenges faced in long distance Wi-Fi communication using rotating antennas are presented. Wi-Fi networks can provide connectivity at longer distances with considerably less cost compared to other approaches [1]. It is well understood that wireless networks are inherently different from wired networks in that they are probabilistic in nature. This[…]
Background The next generation of mobile/wireless networks are expected to be all IP based, relying exclusively on IP, from mobile station to the gateway towards the Internet. IP was not designed with mobility in mind. However, in the future all-IP based wireless networks are expected to provide service continuity while moving through different heterogeneous wireless[…]
Formulating an incidence response plan, methodology and responding to incidents based on Technical criteria ABSTRACT This paper proposes a hybrid honeypot implementation that can be used in an organisation providing e-commerce to customers worldwide. A fictitious organisation called Kor-Tech is used as a case study. The architecture is such that low interaction honeypots are installed[…]
ABSTRACT FPGA offers a competitive solution to traditional ASIC development by reducing costs and shortening time of in-system debugging and prototyping. The core objective of this document is to design an appropriate methodological approach for In-system debugging of ERA, an Embedded Reconfigurable Architecture. A comprehensive evaluation of debugging tools and applicable methods are presented. Several[…]
Introduction Cloud computing is one of the more recent developments in the field of technology. There is some consensus in current literature as to what the term denotes: fundamentally, it is suggested that cloud computing is the realisation of the ability to provide computing as a service. Armbrust et al. (2009) suggest that it is[…]