Introduction This essay critically evaluates the European Court of Justice’s (ECJ) decision in Joined Cases C-449/18 P and C-474/18 P Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini and JM EV e hijos SRL v. European Union Intellectual Property Office EU:C:2020:722 to determine whether an individual or entity’s reputation with the public at large is more important than common[…]
The primary aim of this paper is to critically evaluate whether social, political and economic upheaval can precipitate genocide. Instead of considering well-known examples such as the Holocaust or the genocide in Rwanda, this author has decided to opt for a different, and at the same time profoundly original, framework. The United Nations defined genocide[…]
Question: The concept of indirect effect on state sovereignty Introduction Indirect effect has created an atmosphere that is conducive to the perpetuation of national laws being construed in a way that ostensibly complies with Community law. If it is to be determined whether or not the mandatory obligation imposed on them constitutes an encroachment on[…]