1 Introduction There has been growing concern regarding the significance of IT Change Management sexual harassment at workplaces (Brue, 2021, Burrell et al., 2021). A vast body of literature has concluded that workplace harassment hurts overall outcomes for work, often due to IT Change Management. The negative impacts include both physical and psychological impacts on[…]
Undoubtedly, the pandemic has ushered in seismic changes in the world of work, and it is more than likely that some of the effects will continue to remain in place in the future (Rebolledo, 2021). In a few weeks, upon the institution of strict pandemic restrictions, organisations were left with little choice to transition to[…]
Introduction: A rapidly changing and competitive working environment increase the demand for skilled and qualified workers. In contrast, the rate of employee retention is also decreasing. Moreover, the cost to recruit, hire, and train new talent is more than an hourly worker’s salary (McKeown, 2010). Generally, childcare services are viewed as a place for children[…]
Introduction: The sudden outbreak of the life-wrenching virus has turned human existence upside down. Throughout the world, the COVID 19 pandemic has caused chaos and distress. The virus has prompted questions about the survival of mankind. Aside from health-related impacts, the virus has affected economic, political, and certainty-related aspects. Additionally, businesses are struggling to cope[…]
Introduction Covid-19 has had a major impact over all industries as well as on everyday life and it is important that this is identified. It has also helped to identify challenges within specific departments in industry such as Human Resource Management (HRM) which is a key factor in the delivery of a service. Covid-19 as[…]
Introduction In March 2020, the UK Government imposed restrictions on employers in order to avoid the spread of Coronavirus Covid-19, stating that employees should work from home wherever possible (House of Commons, 2022). The imposition of home working, referred to as lockdown, irrevocably transformed the employer-employee relationship, for instance working practices (Kropp, Cambon & Clark,[…]
Definitions In an organization setting, policy refers to sets of protocol that guide decisions towards achievement of goals. The top management in organizations develops policies. Through such policies, organizations achieve goals by implementation with other team members. It is imperative to note that policies may take a subjective as well as an objective front (Waterhouse[…]
Introduction Maple Leaf Shoes Ltd is an organization based in Ontario. The organization specializes in the manufacture of vinyl as well as leather shoes. With its main manufacturing plant near Wilmington, the organization began operation in the year 1969. Concentrating on its employees, the organization is proud of having over 400 persons working on its[…]
Introduction Today’s job market and the economy has become complex for management of human resources in organizations. To the human resource management teams, coordinating multigenerational and multicultural workforce is a daunting task. Human resource practitioners need to learn how to manage change, achieve business goals and satisfy employee needs. One of today’s challenges in relation[…]
Abstract Human resource in the recent past has gained recognition as a valuable strategic partner for various organizations. Human resource relates to employees performing various tasks in an organization. There are various aspects relating of human resource in an organization that make them a strategic partner. This papers explains the importance of human resource in[…]
Abstract Women in organizations act as career self-agents. Women workers of the 21st century determine how much and where they can work. This paper explains FWAs usage in the organization as a strategic tool for women in meeting their financial, societal and other responsibilities. Introduction Women contributions in organizations, is immense. Statistics reveal that women opt[…]
America’s shifting economic landscape is affecting the society and the way people think about work, and skills they need to improve their living standards. These changes are reshaping the nature of jobs in terms of communication, social and analytical skills. Employment continues to rise in positions requiring more experience, training and education (Landsbergis 61). Such[…]
Part 1 The term “strategic human resource management” refers to human resources that are incorporated into an organization’s overall business plan in order to boost productivity and profitability. Truss & Gratton (2014) assert that SHRM places a premium on activities that differentiate the organization from its competitors. Employment relationship The employment relations between the company[…]
The use of personal devices in the workplace prompts the HRIM to implement policies designed to ensure that the employees use strong security practices when assessing the company network. Such policies would outline the company terms acceptable use of technology, how to operate it, and how to protect the company from cyber threats including ransomware,[…]
Introduction During the last few decades, the business environment has evolved significantly. From its domestic presence, the companies are embracing globally integrated strategies to compete on a global scale (Nambisan et al., 2019). To succeed in the highly competitive scenario, it is essential to have qualified employees to have the knowledge and skills to differentiate the companies’[…]
Introduction- Essentials of people practice is addressed in activity tasks with the standard operations guide for the Technow group recruitment. Further discussion is based on the interview preparation pack and simulated interview with peers. Narrative legislation and organizational practice is mentioned including performance management and reward policies. Supporting skills and knowledge development in the workplace[…]
Abstract This report provides information on whether the benefits of CSR outweigh the drawbacks. The report shows that the benefits of CSR are more than the drawbacks and managers should consider implementing the strategy. The research utilizes the use of secondary resources to conclude. Most of the authors used in this report show that CSR[…]
Workplace conflict is a fact of life in almost every company on the planet. Conflict is a natural result of people working together, even though many people and organizations view it as a negative activity that should be avoided (Capozzoli, 2018). If not handled properly, dealing with disagreement at work can be highly stressful for[…]
Analyzes the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for this position; supports competencies with credible sources. Work analysis is the process of understanding the nature of the job you are supposed to undertake. It includes the understanding of the tasks you are supposed to launch and what needs to be done to ensure its success. Job[…]
Case study summary The case talks about Randy, who works in a small airline company based in Nantucket Island. He is an innovative young person who won a two million lottery and now wants to invest in ice-cream shops for future earnings. The new investment wants a lot of employees, about 50 people, but Randy[…]
Introduction Work place stress implies to harmful physical and emotional responses that usually occur when there exists a conflict between the demands at the work place on an employee and the control levels the employee has over meeting the demands. Work place stress can originate from a single event in the work place or from[…]
COVID 19 pandemic has had a huge impact in our society today, It has led to the lockdown of many states leading to sates restricting movement within the country or out of the country. The COVID 19 pandemic has led to the meltdown of our economy leading to many businesses relying on the human resource[…]
The EconBuff Podcast entails Lee Stitzel, the host, and Dr. Rex Pjesky, an economics lecturer at West Texas A&M, discussing labor markets and mobility. Stitzel questions Dr. Pjesky on various matters pertaining to labor mobility such that by the end of the podcast, the duo ends up discussing what labor mobility is, reasons why labor[…]
Introduction Job analysis is the process of identifying and determining the tasks and duties of a given job. A job analysis is done to craft a good job description. it also helps to prepare the employees on what expectations to have about the job by defining clear tasks and objectives to avoid misunderstandings and provide[…]