Amy Sounon

About me:

My background is in in social and economic sciences (sociology, social and critical theory, ethnography, economic sociology and anthropology, international political economy, and science and technology studies).  I hold a PhD in this field and have a solid grasp of the theoretical and methodological issues in the social sciences. As well as pursuing my academic career, I have learned and practiced various styles of writing.

As a researcher, I am interested in any social change but am particularly interested in the various systems and practices of valuation (e.g. currency schemes, exchange systems, credit networks, labour-industry-finance relations, etc.) especially in an international political-economic context (with a special interest in Central and Eastern Europe).

While studying, I was involved in the administration and management of various academic organisations where I learned about the practical details of how this industry operates. I practice yoga and meditation and in the longer term, I plan to involve them (both as topics and practices) in my research projects.


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Multi-sited ethnography in STS: Capturing global complexities and the role of the researcher.

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