Jennifer Anderson

About me:

I am a full-time e-learning manager for an educational organisation, developing online courses (mainly postgraduate MSc). Prior to that I was a full-time senior lecturer at one of the biggest universities in London. I have a PhD in Biochemistry and an MSc in Human Molecular Genetics. I also have marketing experience and hence am familiar with several topics linked to health and industry. I have a flair for writing and my academic background, as well as my professional experience, gives me the edge to succeed in any topic I choose to research. My BSc in Biological Sciences is a First Class Honors degree and so even as a student I had what it takes to get top marks. Having crossed to the other side (working in academia) I am even more certain of the necessary steps and research methods and know exactly what a lecturer expects when assigning a piece of coursework.


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Promoting health in the community – mental health

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